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The morning birds gently wake me. The chirping outside my window makes me delicately open my eyes and realize where I'm at.

I feel the warm sensation of heat around me. Turning my head, I see Jimin sleeping peacefully behind me. His lips are parted open as he breathes in and out slowly. His arm is still wrapped around me.

'We never moved an inch.'

Softly, I begin smiling at the sight. It's so relaxing. I begin to close my eyes, hoping to rest a few more minutes. The comfort of my bed and him by my side make it difficult to want to get up by my own choice.

When I start to fall back asleep, the door to my room gets busted open, waking me fully up this time.

"Y/N, he's back-" Taehyung holds the doorknob with his fist, looking into the room and meeting my wide eyes with his own.

The room completely stills at this moment. He stands still, not knowing what to do but stare at the sight before him.

A shift in the bed comes from behind me. When I turn my head back, I see Jimin peering over my shoulder at Taehyung with a frown on his features. He narrows his eyebrows while tightens his hold around me, acting like he's protecting me from a threat.

"What do you want?" Jimin says a little coldly, keeping his expression.

Taehyung gulps from his frozen position, licking his lips before nodding his head to remember what it is he came in here for.

"I was saying that he's back," Taehyung says quietly, fidgeting with his fingers while looking down at the floor, not making eye contact with either of us.

"Jun is back-"

"No, the person who I made the appointment with is back. He said over the email that he finished earlier than expected, so he's on his way back right now." Taehyung explains, faking a cough to remove the tension in the room.

"I'm about to leave. You both go out and search with the rest. Mi Young and Jungkook left a few minutes ago to start looking. Yoongi and Cailey are too. Cailey said she might've found something to help us find him. She said she'll be over here later on." Taehyung explains as fast as he can, hurrying to leave the room after getting embarrassed by seeing us like this.

"A-And I won't tell your brother!" Taehyung yells while rushing down the stairs.

"W-Wait!" I yell out loud, thinking maybe he'll stop rushing to leave, but when I hear the front door slam shut in a hurry, I know he's already gone.

"Dammit!" I curse, getting out of bed and finding some random clothes to put on, so I can follow him before he gets too far.

"Since when do you cuss?" Jimin looks in my direction with a sneaky smirk.

"I don't do it that much..." I call back, stopping my movements. I quickly put on a pair of socks.

"Where are you going?" Jimin chuckles behind me, still not moving to get up from the bed.

I pull off my pajamas and put on a black shirt and some blue jeans, not caring that I'm undressing in front of him right now. I put my hair up and turn around to face him when I'm done.

He lays out on the bed in such a sinful way that it takes me back for a second. From this angle, it looks like he's fully naked under the sheets, waiting for me to come back to bed, which if the circumstance weren't like this, I probably wouldn't pass up the invitation.

"I'm going after him." I shake my head, coming back to reality of what I have to do.

He looks at me strangely, arching his brow.

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