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I sit still in my bed, feeling like my father will come barging into my room at any second to break the laptop that sits on my lap.

That thought is short-lived when the porn website pops up. My attention is now back on the screen.

Immediately, I have the urge to shut my eyes, and for a moment, I do. Until I realize that's stupid and gently open my eyes again to the screen before me.

Naked bodies are everywhere. It's mostly women that are flashing their breasts, gazing into the camera in front of them as if taunting the viewer on the other side.

I move my eyes and keep scanning through the site. The embarrassment gets worse as I scroll deeper into the website, bypassing video after video.

Shutting my eyes momentarily, I remember that if I'm going to figure out what exactly the point of all this is, I'll have to watch a few seconds of a video to understand why people watch these films, Jimin and Jungkook included. Now I know it's mainly for erotic entertainment, but I don't see why people watch or make them. I just don't understand what the point is, but I'll see if any of this makes sense once I watch a video.

I reach out my hand to grab a hold of my earbuds off the side of my nightstand. I plug them into my ears and make sure they're connected to the laptop before clicking on a random video. I glance at my bedroom door and mentally wish that we were allowed to have locks built into our doors. I'll just have to slam the laptop screen and throw it across the room if someone comes in-I'll blame it on seeing a spider.

Shaking my head, I get back to what I'm doing before my mind drifts too far off in what could happen rather than just doing it instead. I tap the play button, and immediately, a few ads pop up. It doesn't help that the video went full-screen either.

At first, it's a corny scene. The acting makes me cringe. It starts with a mature woman walking down steps in black, high heels and into a living room. She comes and sits down beside a random guy on the couch. He's watching some sport's game, and she's focused on him.

I take in the movements of her body and the way she slides closer to him, her eyes hungry for the man she sees in front of her.

She tries to get his attention, but he's too into the game to pay any attention to her. She bends down and suddenly cups him before biting her lip teasingly.

He just shrugs her off a little, trying to explain to her he's been wanting to watch this for a long time. She sighs and asks about a quick blowjob.

I watch him nod his head lightly. "Do what you want." He states before going back to the screen in front of him.

She smirks and bends down lower to his crotch, unzipping his pants before the camera angle quickly turns, and I see the red underwear the man wears.

Soon after, she carefully moves her hand to press against his stomach before trailing down into the lining of his underwear before fully grabbing him. She starts moving her hand up and down through the cloth. The camera getting every single shot of the scene.

The guy stiffens at her touch, but he soon relaxes and tries his hardest to concentrate on the game.

She still wants to be noticed, so she pulls him out of his boxers before leaving gentle kisses along him.

My eyes widen. I haven't seen a guy naked unless counting when Jungkook and I were little and took baths together. Of course, it's a different story now.

I take in the details of him. He's thick in her small hand, his tip is pink, and a few veins are poking out through the skin.

I can't stop staring at it. Her kisses start low before going higher to land on the pinkness of him. Soon she parts her lips, and she's taking him in her mouth. She teases him by looking directly in his eyes as she slides her mouth lower down him, making him lazily drop his head backward to lay on the back of the couch. His eyes remain closed as he enjoys the pleasure he's receiving.

She starts bobbing her head up and down at a fast pace now that his attention has abandoned the game and is now on her.

He starts grunting and brings his hand down to run through her hair, gripping onto the roots of her locks. He then shoves himself down her throat, using her mouth as he pleases.

My eyes widen even more from the lack of gentleness. He's just using her like she's nothing but an object for him to get off on.

Within seconds, the guy grunts loudly and holds her mouth down on him as his body spasms. Afterward, he lets go of her, and she eases her mouth off him, her lips covered in white liquid before she licks along her lips, getting every last drop of him that's around her mouth.

This is when I call it a night. I take out my earbuds and exit out of the website before turning off my laptop and putting it back on my nightstand, placing my earbuds on top of the computer.

I shift in bed and lay down, turning to look out my window. I pull the covers over my body and shut my eyes, trying not to be traumatized because of my curious mind.


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