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I sit down on our white swing in the backyard and rock myself back and forth gently as I watch the purple and blue sky, knowing that soon it will be dark out.

Pulling out my phone, I notice I have a text from Cailey.

**"Hey, so that favor I was about to ask you earlier... I was wondering if you could, just for tomorrow, pretend that you're Yoongi's girlfriend. My family will homeschool me if they find out I'm dating someone, especially if he's not on their lists as a beneficial suitor..."

**"Okay, I will, but you need to tell them about him eventually. You have been dating for two years now. Yoongi's probably feeling like he's not good enough since you're hiding him from your loved ones." I text her back, trying to touch easily on the topic but also speaking the truth.

It takes her a few minutes to respond.

**"... I know. I just need a little more time. I'll try to work myself up to it. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks..." She quickly ends the texting and soon is offline.

I sigh to myself.

'Why is she even dating him if she's going to act like that? I don't understand. If I had a boyfriend, I would want the whole world to know.' I think to myself.

Even if Cailey is afraid of what her parents might do, she'll never know the full outcome by keeping her relationship in the dark. If her parents get to know him, they might change their minds if she would just introduce them to one another.

I hold my head and shut my eyes, trying to relax by swinging myself.

Eventually, I let the thought fade away and let a new one into my mind instead.

I start thinking about my conversation with Jimin from yesterday. I haven't had the time to sit down and think it through fully yet. I know that I don't want to be seen as innocent anymore just because I'm a virgin. I want to experience things that other people my age are doing too, but it doesn't mean I want to go around and sleep with random people, neither do I want to throw away my virginity. I just want to learn a little and learn it from him.

I glance to the house next to ours. Jimin has been my best friend for years now, and I know he would never hurt me, but he did mention that we may not be able to go back to being friends anymore.

In all truth, I don't think it could damage our bond for good. We've been through thick and thin and have still pulled through. However... I don't think we could ever be as close if this ends badly.

I open my eyes and notice the sky has gotten darker; I can barely see the clouds now.

'I want to try this. I trust him.' I come to the decision that I want to at least test it out with him.

I stand up and go over to flip on our backyard light, making some of the darkness disappear.

Once I turn on the light, I start to hear a faint thumping sound on the other side of our wooden fence.

I go over to where our shortcut is through our fence and look into Jimin's backyard. Immediately, I notice that his backyard light is on too, and some of the puppies are out playing.

'Aww,' I can't help but think as I watch the puppies run around playfully.

A moment later, I see Jimin squatting down on the ground and throwing a small, red ball for the puppies to play with.

I watch him laugh as all the puppies trip over one another to catch the ball. I go through our fence and catch Jimin's and the puppies' attention instantly.

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