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"Where the fuck did you learn that?" Jimin's voice is quiet, coming out in heavy breaths.

I shrug. "I watched a porno, and I gave it my best shot. Let's just say, it gave me confidence. Now don't call me innocent again, alright? An innocent person wouldn't be able to blow you like that." I send him a quick wink, then stand up. "I'm going to clean up." I turn around, leaving him alone on the couch, while Jungkook is across the room passed out heavily, which is good.

Once I go upstairs to my bathroom, I shut the door behind me and cover my mouth in shock. "Holy crap, I just did that..." my words tumble out. "I really-what happened to me?" I can't stop the conversation I'm having with myself, but I finally shake my head.

"It's Jimin... he's rubbing off on me-a little too much." I sigh. I can't believe I made him come. It was my first time doing it too. I must get my luck like Jungkook-always good the first time we try something.

I can't help but laugh at the thought. But seriously, I just wanted to make him stop teasing me, and now he will.

Once I wash my mouth, I go back downstairs, seeing Jimin trying to act normal. He's trying to keep his eyes on the tv, but I catch his eyes ever so gently flicking to me as I walk closer to the couch to sit back down.

I take the popcorn and sit down, watching the movie and acting as nothing happened. After a while, everything goes back to normal, and we pay attention to the movie instead.

Throughout the movie, Jimin and I jump multiple times. We even toss the popcorn in the air, and it covers us, but we only laugh quietly afterward.

It's strange being like this with him. One second it goes from thoughts of sex, and then the next best friends. I have no idea how to balance out the two, but right now, we're friends enjoying a movie together.


The doorbell is what makes me stir. I bring my hands up and rub my still closed eyes, trying to get the crust out of them.

When I lean up, I notice both boys are asleep on the couch. Jungkook lays in the same spot, and Jimin rests peacefully next to me with his arms crossed over his chest as he sleeps.

I smile at the sight, but I soon stand up when I hear the doorbell once again.

Bypassing both boys, I quietly make my way to the front door.

I must look like a mess because as soon as I open the door, Mi Young looks concerned.

"Y-Y/N," her eyes widen.

I grin. "Good morning to you too, Mi Young," I laugh softly, leaning against the doorframe.

"Did I wake you?" She fidgets with her fingers.

"It's fine, I needed to get up anyway. The boys are still out, so if you don't mind would you keep me company until they wake up?" I ask kindly, making her grin.

"Sure. Well, excuse me," she steps into our house, taking her shoes off.

She walks a few steps forward and turns to the right to look at the open living room. She smiles when she sees Jungkook snoozing, but her gaze falters when she notices Jimin on the other couch.

"Are you sure you two aren't a thing?" Mi Young spins around on her heels. I just shrug.

"Follow me," I pull her into the kitchen, shutting the double, glass doors once we enter the room. I can still easily see both boys sleeping from the door.

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