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I walk into the room, being quiet as I do.

"Hey Y/N, Jungkook wanted to get-" Yoongi stops his sentence when Jimin walks in behind me. "What's he doing here?" He stands up from the chair, walking up to us.

"I'm helping. What are you doing here, Yoongi?" Jimin spits his name.

"Jungkook's my friend," Yoongi walks right past me and gets in Jimin's face. The two stare at each other hatefully, and I know that if I don't do something soon, they both will start a fight.

I slip in between the two, pulling them apart as I push both boys back away from each other.

"Where's my brother?" I turn to face Yoongi, changing the topic. I have no idea what's going between these two, but they need to quit it because this isn't the place or time to act childish.

"He's in the shower. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him that he needs to wait." Yoongi explains, and not a second later, a loud thud comes from the bathroom.

"Jungkook?" I turn and walk to the bathroom door. I open the door and see Jungkook lying on the floor with the shower water raining over him.

I quickly turn off the shower and help him up from the ground, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around him.

"Kook, you can't do these things yet, you're still weak." I remind him, letting him put his weight on me as I walk him back to the bed.

As soon as I get out of the bathroom, Jimin comes over and takes Jungkook out of my arms, walking him the rest of the way to the bed.

Jungkook lays on the mattress with his hands balled up in fists. His body is still soaked from the shower.

"I thought that I was strong enough to stand..." Jungkook says upset. "but I'm still too weak." He suddenly lets go of his anger and lets his disappointment overflow in him.

Jungkook puts back on his clothes, and when he's done, he fully notices Jimin in the room.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asks confused.

"In the flesh," Jimin jokes, walking closer to him.

I stay silent and watch everything. I have a feeling that something's being hidden from me, but I don't know what.

"Wow, I got to admit I never thought I would live to see another day where Park Jimin and Min Yoongi were in the same room." Jungkook glances at the two.

"I suppose you both still want to kill each other, huh?" Jungkook chuckles to himself.

"You guys are stupid, throwing your friendship away over something like that..." Jungkook notices me in the back and stops talking.

"Whatever," Jungkook sighs, "Jimin, you can help out my sister since I'm about to be discharged, and Yoongi, you go home. You have plans." Jungkook tells him, making Yoongi's eyes widen before grabbing his stuff.

"I almost forgot. Get well soon, and I'll see you both later." Yoongi tells Jungkook and me, ignoring Jimin as he rushes out of the room.

"Jimin, I need you to help my sister with a few things."


"This is what he needed me to help you with?" Jimin groans from walking so long.

"I guess. I think he just wanted to make sure I have back up." I say as we walk up a big hill.

"Well, he could've sent himself to talk to her once he got better or texted. I'm not cut out for helping with things like this." Jimin sighs.

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