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A slight headache wakes me early in the morning. The sun beams into the window, casting its yellow shades of color throughout the room that I'm still trying to register.

Once remembering exactly where I am, I sit up in the red-colored bed.

"No, lay back down," a muscular arm wraps around me, pulling me down again. I turn my head and see Jimin behind me, holding me close with his eyes still shut.

I can't help but smile a tad after seeing him so early in the morning. "We have to get up eventually," I say softly, causing him to pout.

"I don't want to," he brings me closer, burying his head into the crook of my neck sleepily.

I laugh gently. "Me either, but we have people waiting for us at home." Jimin loosens his grip around me after that.

"Well, one of us does at least," he says a little sadly. "Truthfully, I don't think my parents care all that much what I do. If we were to leave, I would just be going home to an empty house."

He opens his eyes and moves away. He lays down flat on his back, staring at the high ceiling, but he pulls me to him so that I'm resting on his chest comfortably.

We're still fully clothed, but Jimin lost his shirt some time in the middle of the night while sleeping.

"Anyway, I'm closer to you than I am my own family these days." He says with a troubled sigh.

"I'm sorry. I can't say I fully understand your situation, but I can at least connect a little from my father's side. My father can be... a bit of a brute at times, and he's normally never there when we need him. Before our vacation, we hardly saw him because he was in and out of the house so much. I figured out we only went on vacation so that our parents could tell us once we got back about the divorce. It wasn't even a good vacation, to be honest." This time, I sigh.

"So we have daddy issues," Jimin shrugs, lightly rubbing my arm with his hand in a soothing way. "Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with us. Just some people... some people weren't meant to be fathers... or parents."

There's a pause in the room before suddenly I hear a soft hum. I gently raise up and see a stranger. It's a girl I've never seen before.

"Who... are you?" I ask, sitting up with Jimin following me.

She stands against the open door of the room. She wears a white-striped, button-up shirt and a pair of vanilla-colored pants with a pair of black sunglasses on top of her head. Her hair is long and dirty blonde, going down over her shoulders and her back. She looks like she just came in from a trip or possibly the airport.

She looks like a model, and based on her green eyes and beautiful skin tone, she's probably European.

"Good morning, love birds," the woman smiles brightly, beaming radiantly like the sun outside.

"... uhm, morning?" I say back confused but nicely.

Her grin brightens from hearing my voice.

"Lynn?" Jimin speaks up, confused at first. "You're finally back," once it finally hits him, he gets out of bed, then walks to her. "You've been gone for a while," he comes up and gives her a friendly hug.

"I missed you when I went home. You're the best thing about Korea," she smiles warmly, and then I take notice of a wedding ring on her finger when she returns the hug. "Ethan would love to see you again too. He misses seeing the party boy from Seoul," they both laugh after that.

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