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I was leaving my house for school when suddenly, I get a text message from a random number.

**"Hey, this is Cailey's brother... Hoseok. If you could, can you run by my office? Say before school starts? I need to inspect one tiny detail on the dress I gave you."

Another message pops up right afterward.

**"Cailey gave me your number... in case you were curious." He sends two sunshine emojis.

**That's fine, I should have time." I send and quickly go back into the house to grab the dress he gave me.

"Sis? What are you doing?" Jungkook looks at me confused when I bypass him on the stairs.

"I have to do something before school. It won't take me long." I briefly explain. I rush to my room and take out the dress from my closet. It's still protected in its plastic bag.


People on the street stare at me strangely. I'm holding a dress in one hand while carrying my purse with the other, along with my heavy backpack holding me down on my shoulders.

I ignore it the best I can while heading closer to the fancy store that Cailey brought Mi Young and me to a few days ago.

Once entering the familiar shop, I notice that I'm not being yelled at to get out this time, which relaxes some of my nerves.

The past few days have been a lot for me. Finding out these secrets that were never meant to be told, learning that a dearly loved one is still alive, and discovering that I'm an aunt surely is a lot to put on someone out of the blue.

I haven't really thought a lot about everything since finding out. I've been just going with the flow until my brain is ready to take everything in on its own.

Before I can reach the steps, I see a radiant Hoseok walking up to me with a wide smile on his features.

"I'm so glad that you came." He holds his hand out to take the dress from me.

"It was nothing. This place is close to our school anyway." I explain, telling him it's no big deal.

"Hand me your backpack," he suddenly says. "I know it's heavy," he holds his other hand out, waiting for me to hand it over.

"Oh, it's not that heavy. I'm fine-"

"Come on, I can't have such a beauty like yourself strain your back." He smiles even wider.

I become a little nervous from his sweet words and slide off my backpack, handing it over to him.

He slings it over one of his shoulders, letting the other side hang as we start walking up the stairs.

"Let's go to my office. I need to inspect this dress in my own studio." He grabs my hand surprisingly and hurries to the top of the stairs to get in the elevator.

When we make it to the top floor, he walks out of the elevator happily and brings me to his office.

He opens the clear glass door for me, letting me walk in first. He sets down my backpack near one of the black, comfy seats.

"I'll just be a moment. I need to put this in my studio." He quickly leaves, letting me stand still in his office all alone.

I take in the room, noticing right away that it doesn't suit his personality.

The room is all colored in either black or gray. A large, leather seat sits behind the black desk, giving off an intimidating vibe. Two matching black seats are in front of his desk with a dark-wood, coffee table in front of the seats.

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