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'He's alive?'

My mind runs back and forth with the words he just said. The room spins as I try to comprehend if I heard him correctly.

"You're lying. He's dead. There's no way he's alive-"

"But he is. I've seen him." His words bring a cold shiver down my spine, unbelieving of what's being said.

I glance to my side, meeting his eyes as I hold onto the silver necklace in my palm, knowing this has to be a dream.

"It's not a lie," he looks at the wall, steadying his gaze on a picture frame of him and Junsu.

"It happened four years ago. When he went missing."

* Four years ago *

Jungkook's POV

"Authorities are still searching for a college student named Jeon Junsu. He was last seen at-" I flip off the channel after seeing another picture of Junsu on the screen.

'It's been nearly a month since his disappearance. Are the police even trying?'

"Hey Yoongi, I think I'm going to head home." I stand up from his bean bag, tossing the remote on his bed, while he plays some game on his computer.

"Yeah, I'll see you the day after tomorrow. I got called in for work, so I'm ditching school again." Yoongi clicks his mouse rapidly as the game comes to an intense part.

"Alright, I'll see you later. Oh, tell Rina I said hey when she comes over." I chuckle, seeing the blush creep up on his cheeks from the mention of her.

"Dude-" Yoongi spins around in his chair, falling backward and landing on the floor with his headphones wrapped around his neck.

"Bro, come on. You like her, and she likes you. She's coming over tonight for a reason. Talk to her and see if there's a connection." I try to help him.

"You bring nothing but trouble Jeon." He mumbles, trying to get up from the chair.

I put my hands on my hips and watch the desperate guy before me. After watching him long enough, I help him to his feet.

"Here," I give him my hand. He takes it right away, standing up and letting out a long sigh.

"I don't know..." Yoongi scratches the back of his head nervously.

"We are freshmen, man up." I pat him on the shoulder before slinging on my backpack. "Also, I want details, dude." I point at him as I exit his room.

"Yah-" I shut the door before he can say anything. I chuckle to myself from his shyness.

"Goodbye, Mr. Min." I quickly bow to his father as I leave the house.

I take out my phone and text Y/N.

**"Hey, I'm headed home. Do you want me to pick something up to eat?" I wait a few minutes but a reply never comes.

'That's not like her. She always responds fast.'

I decided to get some Bulgogi for us. We haven't had a decent meal since the police started swarming in and out of our house with the investigation still ongoing.

Heading in the direction of the restaurant, I pull out my money and wait in line to get my order.


It doesn't take too long to get the meat. I hold up the bag of food in victory.

'What will Dad say now? I bought dinner tonight.'  I smirk as I get closer to our house.

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