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The next day dragged. School lasted forever, and the last bell couldn't come sooner. It felt like hours upon hours because I didn't get any sleep last night. I had to wash my uniform because of the puppies and try to fall asleep afterward but just couldn't.

The main reason I couldn't sleep was because of Jungkook and Mi Young going at it nearly every hour of the night, and Jimin taking my first kiss along with our newly shared agreement.

Throughout the night, I tossed and turned in my bed, touching my lips from where his were pressed hours before.

'I still can't believe my first kiss was with Jimin-'

"Y/N," I suddenly get brought back into the present and turn to Cailey who watches me closely. "Are you alright? We don't need you getting sick before the party." Cailey teases but keeps a serious tone to make sure if I am feeling well or not.

I wave off her worry, patting her on the shoulder as we all walk back to our houses.

"Just a little tired," I reassure her.

"Well, okay," she replies and keeps talking to Yoongi as I walk a little ahead of the couple.

All five of us walk home together today. Yoongi and Cailey are strolling in the back, and Jungkook and Mi Young are in the front, while I stay alone in the middle.

"Sis, get up here," Jungkook senses how quiet I am, so he turns around and pulls me to the other side of him.

"Are you both excited about the party tonight?" Jungkook asks both Mi Young and myself.

Mi Young nods. "I'm so happy! I haven't been to such a big party since freshman year."

Jungkook smiles widely. "My little Mi Young, going to such a party at the age of what? Fourteen?" Jungkook snickers.

"I was fifteen, Kookie." She giggles.

"Oh shit, your dad. Won't he be pissed?" Jungkook says now that he thinks about it.

Mi Young pats him on the chest. "Dad and Taehyung are coming to the party tonight too. Dad and Cailey's father are friends." Mi Young explains, making Jungkook's worry drop.

He smiles after that and wraps his arm around her shoulder as they walk side by side.

"What about you, Sis?" He turns his attention to me.

"I don't know. It's a mixture, to be honest. I'm excited to go, but I also don't want to pretend to be Yoongi's girlfriend for the whole night." I add with a low sigh.

Both of their eyes widen at my words, and I suddenly think that I may or may not was supposed to tell them.

"What?" Jungkook asks a little loud but not loud enough for Yoongi and Cailey to hear in the back.

"Cailey said her parents can't know she's dating anyone that's not on her dating list or whatever. Don't tell them that you both know. It could hurt Yoongi and pisses her off that I told you." Maybe I should've lied and not told them, but it makes me uncomfortable to pretend to be someone's girlfriend when I have never even been a girlfriend before.

As I watch the ground without saying another word, Jungkook pats me on the head, making me look up at him.

"Head up baby, sis. You can tell me anything, and big bro will keep it a secret until the day I die. You don't have to worry about a thing." Jungkook moves his hand on my shoulder as well, relaxing me from all my worries.

"And me too, Y/N. I won't say a word either." Mi Young announces, grinning at me kindly.

"Thanks," I smile shortly at them.

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