Prince Charming

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The rest of the way home, the boys cut up with each other, talking about silly things to distract themselves from everything.

It surprised me how quickly they became friends after letting their barrier fall. Seeing the two up close and laughing with each other, any person would think they're childhood best friends.

Taehyung wraps his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, trying to regain his breath after laughing at something I wasn't listening to.

It makes me happy for them to be so close. I've been worried about how everything would work out with the two, but now it's like that was never an issue at all.

We make it home and the two are still telling jokes and chuckling about guy things. I roll my eyes and open the door with the two following me behind.

"Uncle Kook!" Jun dashes to the front door, tackling Jungkook at the entrance.

"I'm so happy you're safe." Jungkook abandons Taehyung's side and comes to Jun. He picks him up and puts him on his back.

"Did you know that my daddy is here? Mommy said he was only hiding from bad people. Isn't that cool? It's like he had a secret lair... like a superhero!" Jun says with astonished eyes, looking at Junsu with amazement.

"Yeah, I saw him before I left earlier. I have to help your aunty with something real fast so stay down here and help your dad watch out for the bad guys, okay?" Jungkook walks over to mom who takes Jun off of Jungkook's back.

"Sure, Uncle Kook!" Jun jumps out of mom's hands and runs to the living room.

We all smile at the sight of Junsu and Sun Hee with Jun.

"Y/N, I think I might have something you can wear for tonight. I know you don't have any dresses." Jungkook admits.

"Wait, going out?" mom looks between us both with a curious glance. "I know the police lifted the curfew when Jun was found but still."

"Y/N has a date tonight-"

"Well, she's not going. We just got Jun back, and Junsu is here now. I'm not letting the two of you leave this house at night. It's too dangerous-"

"We are safe, Mom. Let Y/N live some. She's been worried like the rest of us have. She needs a moment to rest too. Junsu is here safely with Jun and Sun Hee. I'm here and Taehyung's going to keep me company. Yoongi and Cailey will be over in a few minutes. She needs to experience these things. I know you're worried, but you can't keep us locked up because you're afraid of what happened to Junsu and Jun. What kind of life would that be if you didn't let either of us live it while we can?" Jungkook gives mom a soft embrace. "I love you, Mom. I just need you to understand that she needs this... she's been through a lot too. Who do you think has been keeping our family together while Junsu was away?" Jungkook tells her softly.

"Besides, you've done your job. You've raised us right, and now it's time for us to start living our own lives." Jungkook says softly while relaxing into the hug.

Mom sighs gently, nodding her head in agreement. She steps away from Jungkook's hug.

"I know, you're right. If you're going out tonight, be safe. If you decide to stay out all night, be sure you have somewhere comfortable to sleep." She comes to me and gives me a light kiss on my forehead.

"You're growing up. I have no say in what you do or when you do it... well, besides some things. I love you and be safe. I'm going to rest for a while too." She smiles and pulls away, going to her room and leaving us be.

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