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Mi Young starts pushing us out of the door before I can respond.

I mention notes from class, hoping that if I can stay with her a little longer, she'll come clean with her marks, but she told me she'll email me her notes and shoved us both out the door without another word said.

It's a sickening feeling, knowing someone close that's being abused and even more so because nobody can help unless the victim wants it.

My mind can't even comprehend that my brother could be or is the one doing this. He's so kind, and I've only ever seen him lash out at our father. I won't believe it until I have evidence. Jungkook isn't like that; he's not abusive.

I drop my head and stare down at my feet, feeling defeated in today's challenges.

"Hey, let's get something to eat and forget about this for now. You haven't taken a break from worrying about Jungkook, and you don't need to worry about anyone else but yourself right now." Jimin grabs my hand without warning and pulls me off Mi Young's porch steps and onto the sidewalk.

"You haven't eaten today, and I know that because I've been right by your side all day long." He teases, trying to cheer me up.

"But Jungkook doesn't need to be left alone-"

Jimin puts his finger over my lips, shushing me.

"Don't think about it. He's home sleeping, and you're here with a hot guy who's getting you free food. No girl can pass up free food, not even you." He winks, causing me to giggle softly from his teasing ways.

"Ah-ha! I made you laugh. So no more worrying today because you have me next to you and that's all you need to think about."


Jimin takes me to a small diner that stays open twenty-four seven. He told me on the walk here to get whatever I wanted and to not think about the price.

I refused at first, but he talked me into it.

We sit side by side in a red booth in the corner of the restaurant. It seems like Jimin wasn't the only one to think to eat here, considering the diner is full of people.

"So what are you going to get?" Jimin asks to my side, glancing over the menu.

"I might just get some stew. It's getting colder outside anyway." I explain, noting that it's the least expensive.

He laughs to my side, taking a sip of the glass of water we've been given before ordering.

"Hmm, I'll just get a burger and some fries then." He nods his head, agreeing with his choice of food.

The waitress comes up with a notepad and asks what we would like.

"Okay, I'll have your orders out as soon as I can. It may be a little bit... will that be a problem?" She speaks carefully, hoping we won't be upset with waiting.

"That's fine, we have all the time in the world. Isn't that right, honey?" Jimin wraps his arm around my shoulder, snuggling into the crook of my neck in front of the waitress.

She smiles softly at the sight.

"How sweet. I remember when I was your age." She whispers as she walks away to tend to another table.

"You do want everyone thinking we're a couple, don't you?" I tease.

He pulls away from my neck, looking into my eyes.

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