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"Innocent? I'm not innocent!" I stand up on my bed, yelling a little too loudly, but I remember our parents are downstairs, so I quickly shut up.

"Pfft," Jungkook falls over, holding his stomach because he laughs so hard.

I frown. "What exactly is so funny?" I place my hands on my hip.

"You. You're funny. That's what." He smiles big and squints his eyes shut; he can't hold in his laughter.

That's when I grab my pillow and throw it at his face. "Hey!" He puts his hands up in defense as I attack him with my pillows.

"How many pillows do you have-gah!" I land a hard hit right across his unhurt cheek playfully, or so I thought. He's on the ground upside down. His head is on the carpet and his back facing the ceiling.

"Oops, sorry, Jungkook," I tease and slide off the bed to help him up.

"Mi Young's gonna kill you if you mess up my perfect face." He rubs his cheek.

"Perfect?" I snort at his comment and pull him up to his feet.

"I'm an international playboy, Sis. I got to have my sexy looks." He winks and does duck lips. I can't help but look at him worriedly.

"How hard did I hit you with those pillows?" I burst out laughing with him doing the same. It feels nice like this. This is how a family should be, getting along with one another.

After we both catch our breath, he turns to me and becomes serious again.

"But seriously though... are we going to pack up and leave? Act like we never lived here or know these people we grew up with?" Jungkook looks down and sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he tries to think through all of this mess.

"I don't know, Kook. It seems we don't get a choice this time..." I trail off.

He stands up from the bed. "Well, I'll sleep on it and try to think of a way out of this," Jungkook says, turning back to ruffle my hair.

"Hey!" I try to move his hand away from my head, but he doesn't budge.

"You don't worry about any of this. Big brother will figure this one out." Jungkook smiles, then gently flicks my forehead before going to my bedroom door to leave.

"Oh, and don't forget to do your homework." He comments and tosses the washrag he was using earlier at me before leaving my room.

I fall back into my bed like earlier, glancing at my desk where my math book is placed. I moan aggravatingly and pull myself up from my bed to do my homework.


It's ten when I finish my math. The night sky now coming into my room as I sit at my desk. My small, desk light is the only light source in my room at the moment.

I quickly write my name on the top corner of the paper and place the sheets back into my binder before laying my head down and sighing.

'I still need a shower.'

I glance over at the green numbers on my clock that sits on my nightstand.

'10:03,' I read the time quickly.

'It will be near eleven o'clock when I get to bed.'

Without wasting any more time, I head into my bathroom.

Once inside, I slip off my clothes and place them into the dirty hamper. I slide back the clear, see-through, shower door and turn the sliver knob to the warmest side.

I wait a few minutes to let the water become hot before I step in.

Once the water is ready, I fully step inside and begin washing.

It hits me now about everything that happened earlier with my parents. I blacked out when I was doing my homework. I was solely focused on getting through with my math and just left all my other thoughts alone in the meantime.

'I can't believe they're getting a divorce.'

Our family has been through a lot, but I never thought that, in the end, we would all go in different ways because of it.

I stop myself from going down that road. The depressing thoughts still too much for me to think about alone. I shake my head lightly and continue washing my body.

Then I start thinking about Jimin. I still can't believe I walked in on him when he was watching porn... then again, I should be used to it because Jungkook is worse.

I close my eyes and pour the shampoo into my hand before slowly messaging the liquid into my scalp.


After stepping out of the shower and drying off, I towel-dry my hair to soak up the water.

Afterward, I blow-dry my locks until it's fully dry before I go to bed, making sure that I don't catch a cold.

Putting on my pajamas, I turn off the small desk light, making the room pitch black, and proceed to find my bed. Once I feel the mattress on my fingertips, I climb into my warm, comfy bed and snuggle against my soft pillows, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Just when I think that sleep can overtake me, my mind suddenly is wide awake with curiosity.

I gently sit up in bed and feel around on my nightstand for my laptop. When I find my computer, I place the metal device over my legs and open it. The bright screen instantly blinds me. I quickly avert my gaze for a few moments, so my eyes can adjust, then I begin to type in my password.

As I log in, I realize it's already eleven at night. I should be asleep by now, but I can't stop thinking about the video Jimin was watching. I've never watched porn before, but now I'm curious.

I slide my finger over the pad of my keyboard and click on the Internet tab before my heart starts beating.

Immediately, the search engine pops up on the screen, and I start to type. Unsure of what exactly to put in, I bite my thumb and hit search after I put in the word porn.

As soon as I put in the search, I mentally hit myself for remembering the blocked websites. Porn is banned, or maybe even illegal, here. I had forgotten, not that I ever needed to know that bit of information anyway, but Jungkook was once complaining about it.

If Jimin and Jungkook can find a way in, so can I. Eventually, thanks to some of my amazing, computer skills, I find a way in.

'Unlike Jungkook's pornographic magazines and probably uncleared, search history, that was found a couple of months ago by Dad, I'm a lot smarter about hiding the evidence, so I go into incognito.' That one thought echoes throughout my mind as I scroll through the websites. I browse with a playful smirk from thinking through most of this.

Soon enough, I find the site that seems the most popular, and wavier my mouse over the link before tapping on the title of the website.

I brace myself as my laptop loads, taking me to a part of the internet I have never been before.


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