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We make it to Taehyung's house a little later. He quickly parks his bike on the side of the house and rushes us into his home.

Once inside, he shuts the door behind us and locks it. He peeks out the window blinds and looks outside.

"Hopefully, they didn't follow us," Taehyung mumbles, and soon he gets interrupted when a small dog comes running up to him, barking loudly.

Taehyung turns around and shushes the dog. Though, his efforts fail until Taehyung has to finally pick up the doggy.

"Yeontan, quiet boy," Taehyung rubs the top of his head lovingly.

"Aww, he's adorable," I smile, watching as Taehyung holds his dog close.

"Yeah, he's my bud. Are you hungry?" He talks to Yeontan, causing the dog to lick Taehyung on the cheek.

"I'll take that as a yes." He laughs, walking into the kitchen and placing down Yeontan.

He goes to a cabinet and pulls out a small can of dog food. He opens the can and drops the food into the dog bowl, making Yeontan run up and begin eating instantly.

"Jungyoung! Come eat!" Taehyung calls.

We both hear paws hitting the floor, coming closer into the kitchen until Jungyoung comes rushing into the room.

She comes straight up to me and lays on the floor, rolling onto her back for me to pet her.

"Hey, girl. I haven't seen you in a few days." I bend down and scratch her tummy.

"Yeah, at first I didn't know if Mi Young would get to keep her because she's a big breed but nothing bad has happened yet, so she seems to be a well-behaved puppy... or at least for the meantime." Taehyung chuckles, placing some food into Jungyoung's dog bowl and calling her to come eat.

"I need to show you something." He backs away, letting the dogs eat before ushering me outside of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Once on the second floor, he instincts me where to go next.

"Go to the last room," he calls from behind me.

I place my hand on the golden doorknob and open the dark-wooden door slowly, stepping inside the room.

Once inside, I see tons of paintings from around the room. Most are halfway-if not all-covered by a white cloth to hide the picture behind.

"Earlier... you asked me if I knew Jung Hoseok, and I told you that I did paintings for him." I turn back and look at him.

He closes the door and steps into the room, bypassing me and placing his hand on a giant painting that lays against the wall.

"Well, I didn't just do random paintings for him-" He stops talking and yanks off the white cloth from the painting, exposing the picture to me. "I had to paint what I saw... not something I imagined... I had to paint what he and his friends did daily..." He steps away and gives me time to process what's happening.

I step closer and fully take in the picture in front of me.

"That's Hoseok?" I turn my head to look at Taehyung who only nods.

The painting is of Hoseok with a white buttoned-up shirt that's undone and showing off his chest. He wears black jeans that hug his figure tightly. He looks out of it, like he's on a type of drug, while his hair can easily be seen as sweaty. He's surrounded on a bed by different kinds of women from different races. Each one could be a model from the beautiful shades of their skin colors. All of them are nearly naked, clinging to him like he's some god to be prayed to.

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