Code Blue

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It feels like forever for the operator to answer the phone.

"What's your emergency?" The operator finally picks up.

"Please, my brother-he won't wake up-send someone!" I practically scream into the phone with urgency.

I manage to turn Jungkook over so that he's laying on his back.

"Stay calm, please. What's your address?"


It takes at least twenty minutes for the ambulance to arrive at our house.

"Hello?" I hear a man call from downstairs.

"Up here! Hurry, please!" I call from Jungkook's room.

I hear running coming up the stairs.

"Here!" The man yells back from behind him when he sees me sitting on the ground holding Jungkook's hand.

Two men rush up and sit down next to us. One grabs Jungkook's wrist and checks for his heartbeat.

He stays quiet as my heart races in my chest, waiting eagerly for his response.

"He's got a pulse." He calls, ripping open his bag and placing a clear mask over Jungkook's face.

I turn away from the sight because it's too hard to watch him like this.

"Sweetheart, I need you to be brave for him, okay?" A nurse walks in and says, calming me down as the two men put Jungkook's unconscious body on a stretcher, tearing my hand away from his.

They quickly go down the stairs of our house and rush him outside into the ambulance with me climbing in the back to sit next to him.

The sirens start going off as the driver races to the nearest hospital. I look at Jungkook and hold his hand, knowing that that's the only way I can help right now.

"Breathe, honey," the nurse pats my back as I hyperventilate.

As they work on him, the nurse asks me all types of questions about him, asking about his name, age, and if he has any diseases.

The other man gives him a shot as we speed down the road, and I can't help but let my eyes become a little teary from the sight.


Once we arrive at the hospital, medical staff come running out of the emergency room doors to the ambulance, pulling out the stretcher that Jungkook lays on, and rushing inside the building with me holding onto the metal bars beside my brother.

I run with them and listen to every word they say.

"We have to hurry. We don't know what's causing this." I choke down a cry as I listen to one of the male nurses.

I run with them as far as I can down the white halls before someone suddenly stops me from going past the double doors into the operating room, causing me to tightly hold onto the strong arms that wrap around my body, and stopping me from going any further.

The doors shut as all the medical staff rush Jungkook to the back of the building without me.

"Please! He's my brother!" I cry as I slip down to the ground with the stranger falling with me.

"Shh, calm down, Y/N," my eyes widen as I hear my name and the familiar voice. "You can't go back there, but they'll do everything they can to help," he whispers, settling some of my nerves.

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