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Gently opening my eyes, I notice I slept in a little later than usual. I turn to my side and see Taehyung is still asleep too. He faces the window, snoozing lightly.

I can hear the rain outside, hitting the top of the house. I huff at the sound of rain.

'No wonder I slept in so late. The rain always messes up my sleeping schedule.'

I softly climb out of bed, not wanting to wake him up. I go into my bathroom and quietly shut the door, locking it before I decide to take a quick shower.

It doesn't take me long to wash up. I do however take a few minutes to relax in the shower, remembering what Jimin and I did in here not so long ago. When I start to become embarrassed about the memory, I hurry and get out.

I dry my hair and fix it neatly, letting it stay down instead of putting it up. I put on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve, dark, pink shirt.

After getting dressed, I grab my phone off of the nightstand and head downstairs to eat some lunch since I slept in. I let Taehyung sleep since he's snoozing so well.

Once making it downstairs, I notice dad's belongings are packed up by the door.

He's in the kitchen eating what mom has cooked. Jungkook eats in the living room with Yoongi and Cailey. Junsu, Sun Hee, and Jun all eat quietly in the kitchen next to dad.

'Is it just my imagination or does something seem off?'

I pull open the double, glass doors and walk into the kitchen. Everyone looks up from their plate, watching me walk inside.

"Good morning, honey," dad says sweetly.

"Morning, dad," I pull out the chair beside Sun Hee and sit down next to her.

"So since she's up, let's discuss this now," dad stops eating before looking over at me. "I've already explained this to Jungkook and everyone else. I'm leaving early. I have my house in Busan, and I think it's best to leave now. I was shocked when your mother called and told me about Junsu yesterday." He flicks his gaze to him with a soft grin. "I've left all of you some money. I've also left behind some letters for you all to read-"

"Stop it. If you sugarcoat it, it will be worse on her. Be a man for once and spit it out." Junsu says threateningly, trying to keep his calm because Jun is next to him.

Dad narrows his eyes at him but keeps talking to me.

"Look, I've concluded that you all don't need me anymore. You're grown, and soon you will all be working. You won't need a dad any longer. I'm leaving because I care and don't want to hurt you-"

That's when Jungkook smashes his plate in the living room, hearing every word that dad was saying. Jungkook marches into the kitchen, slamming his hands down on the table on the opposite side of him

"Just fuc-" he stops himself from cussing when he meets Jun's eyes. "Just stop it already. All you do is lie. You're nothing but an abusive, lying, piece of s-" Junsu coughs to stop him again. "Piece of trash," Jungkook fixes his words. "He's leaving because he's been cheating on mom for the past few months now. He's leaving us to be with his younger girlfriend." Jungkook explains to me.

If not for how dad treated us all these years, I would be torn. I would be yelling and screaming, calling him the lowest of the low for doing this to mom and our family, but no, I don't so much as raise my voice as I look into my father's eyes. I only say a few words that tell him exactly how I feel.

"Then go. I'm not stopping you, and no one else here will either." I stand up from the table, coming to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water and checking my phone once it goes off in my hand.

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