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School went by fast today. My English class was more interesting since Mi Young joined the classroom. We both sat next together since Cailey doesn't have the same English teacher as us.

I thought she might slack some because her father is our teacher, but I was a little in shock when she genuinely paid attention to his every word.

When I would glance at her during class, I could see the admiration in her eyes as she watched her dad. She truly looked up to him.

After the rest of the classes went by, the three of us met at my locker to get ready to go shopping for tomorrow's party.

"Are you guys excited?" Cailey says happily.

"I am. I hope Kookie will say yes." Mi Young says sweetly.

"He will, so you don't need to worry about any of that," I reassure her.

We start to leave the grounds, and I quickly text Jungkook.

"Mi Young, Cailey, and I are all going shopping for this party tomorrow. You're coming too so go buy a tuxedo. See you later, Kook!" I send the message as we get on the streets to walk towards the busy side of the city.

We bypass people who are coming and going to work and even someone walking his dog to the nearby park. It's so relaxing today. It's a perfect day for a stroll.

"I have the perfect store! We get half price on whatever we buy! Also, you both don't need to worry about the costs because I'm paying for our dresses with Dad's card." Cailey explains to us.

"That's extremely sweet, Cailey, but I can pay for my dress," I say nervously.

"Nope. My parents said to make sure you both get a fancy dress and not worry about any of the bills so that's what we're going to do. You both can make it up to them by attending the party tomorrow." Cailey chirps happily.

Eventually, we make it to the store. Feeling out of place, I glance at Mi Young who seems to have the same feeling as me.

"Come on!" Cailey grabs both of our wrists and pulls us into the massive store.

We go in through two, giant, glass doors, and instantly, I feel out of my comfort zone.

Clothes are lined up through the whole room, ranging from the most desired brands to some that are still famous, even if not in the current catalog. Designer, clothing brands stick out under sections of the store that are labeled under certain million-dollar names. The shop has everything that a Hollywood actress would wear.

Fur-lined coats, short and long dresses, fancy stilettos, dozens of jackets, and striking new brands of certain clothes that are made to fit into the current trends of the season.

Diamond, encrusted jewelry is hanging over the huge glass counter towards the side of the shop. There's another section right on top of us on the second floor. The store has six floors altogether. The building is so enormous that it could've been a mall if the owner wanted it to be.

I don't even know where to start looking for what to buy. I glance at price tags as we pass by to head upstairs. Prices seem to go from $500-$1,000 just bypassing cloth rack after cloth rack.

"Cailey, this stuff is extremely expensive," I whisper to her as a few other people all eye us three questioningly.

"Don't worry, I know the owner." She explains, smiling back at both of us as we begin to walk upstairs.

Suddenly, a worker calls out to us. "All three of you get down from there now. We don't tolerate high schoolers in our store. You all need to leave before I have to call the authorities." Cailey turns around with a smirk on her face to the woman who looks up at us from the bottom of the steps.

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