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I finish the remainder of my shower in peace, washing my body along with trying to slow down my heart rate.

When I turn off the water and step out, I see his soaked underwear laying in my bathroom sink.

I softly laugh to myself and walk over to dry my hair in front of the mirror. I quickly towel dry my hair, then let the blow dryer do the rest. I toss my clothes in the hamper and put on my pajamas for the night.

When I turn to leave the bathroom, I notice all his clothes are gone except for his hoodie.

Picking up his white hoodie, I go into my bedroom and fold it up. I lay it on my bed neatly.

'I'll give it back to him before he leaves.' I think the thought before my attention gets turned downstairs.

The television seems to be louder than before, and I find myself opening my bedroom door to go downstairs.

Making it to the living room, I see the lights are off, and the television screen is illuminating the room in a mass full of colors. It's pitch black outside, which surprises me because of how fast the day went by.

Jimin is leaning against the armrest of the mini couch, while Jungkook lays out on the long couch, watching some horror movie.

I shake my head with a light smile. "Kook, you know you have to get some sleep." I remind him, going over to sit down on the open spot next to Jimin.

"I know, but the movie is almost over." He protests, looking at me to give his signature doe eyes.

"Kook-" I warn, but his eyes only grow bigger and more glossy. I lower my head, sighing before I'm giving in to him like always.

"Fine, but after the movie, you need to get to bed. You're still weak so no staying up on your computer or thinking. You just got released from the hospital today." I raise my head and cross my arms over my chest. I look at the screen so that I won't get upset because of him not taking better care of himself.

"I promise I'll go to bed. I've been asleep almost the whole day. When you two left after you dropped me off, I went straight to my room and slept. After that, I headed downstairs to watch some tv. Not an hour later, you both were back home." He explains.

Jungkook coughs a few times and sits up. "Anyway... what exactly did Mi Young say to you?" He tries to make his eyes focus on the screen.

"Well, she's going to come over one day this weekend and talk to you about everything." I glance at Jimin.

He still doesn't know we're moving... neither does Cailey. Yoongi and Mi Young are the only ones that know right now.

I feel a heavy weight on my heart from keeping this from them. I know I'll eventually have to tell them, but I just don't want to think about any of it. I can't stop the depressing thoughts from running through my mind.

"At least she's coming over. I assume no sex though, right?" Jungkook looks at me with a sly grin, but I can see Jimin tense up next to me, and before I can say anything back, Jimin's already opening his mouth.

"Dude, are you serious right now? You just got out of the hospital, and you can only think about sex? Not to mention your girlfriend told your sister that she's hurt but all you want to do is have someone to fuck." Jimin spits coldly.

My eyes widen at seeing Jimin so enraged.

"What are you trying to say? That I would hurt my girlfriend? You're crazy." He glares at Jimin. "And the last time I checked, your job is dirty, so I don't want to hear anything coming from you about my sex life-" Jungkook fires back, but Jimin cuts him right off.

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