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"Show me what?" I ask confused by his words.

He cocks his eyebrow. "Show you what it's like to have a guy hold you-to hold you so close that you can feel his body heat. I'm showing you what you've been missing in that innocent, little room of yours back at home." Jimin takes my hand and pulls it higher to rest on his shoulder as my other holds his hand.

His other hand lingers on my side, resting softly on my hip as he quickly leads us to dance, which if I would have known what he was going to do, I would have protested.

"Jimin, you know I can't dance," I try to pull away, but his grip won't allow it.

"This is a learning experience, Y/N. I'm teaching you. One day, when you find the right guy, you'll know all about things like this." Jimin justifies his actions. "Now stop talking and let me introduce you to my world." He chuckles.

"But-" I try to say, but he brings his hand up and places his finger over my lips.

"Shh," he slides his finger down my bottom lip. "Just focus on me," he moves his hand and places it yet again on my hip.

He starts swaying to the music, making me do the same as I try to mimic his actions. I cling to him as he suddenly spins me in a circle to the beat of the slow music with my dress spinning upwards, which reveals my thighs.

The music stops, and a more upbeat song starts playing. Most of the dancers get into it quickly, stopping the sweet and gentle dancing.

I suddenly see Mrs. Jung in the group of people dancing with Mr. Jung; they dance happily, while she laughs out loud from her husband picking her up and spinning her around in the air.

She turns to the side, and we almost make eye contact through the hole in the crowd, but thankfully, I dodge her and tilt my head down.

"What's wrong?" Jimin's voice is low, looking down at me to see why my head is toward the ground.

"Uhh, I can't be seen with you..." I quickly realize how he could take that, so I hastily fix my words. "It's because I'm pretending to date my best friend's boyfriend for her parent's sake. They can't see me dancing with someone else... I don't want the drama to start up again." I explain, and I hear him sigh, so I gently look up at him, hoping I didn't make him upset.

"Y/N, I don't care about whatever drama you're in. If I want to dance with you, it's no one's business. For all her parents' could know, we're just friends dancing. So stop looking at the ground and keep your eyes on me before I do something really dramatic." He places his thumb on my chin to make sure I can't look down at the floor anymore.

"Rule one, your eyes always remain on your partner. Never catch your eyes wandering somewhere else because all you need to do is stare at me." His thumb lingers on my chin as he stares deeply into my eyes.

It's not long before I realize that we're getting close once again, his chest pushing forward into mine as his lips come closer to greeting my own.

I glance at his beautifully, created lips, gazing at the sweet, rosy color.

Right before we can have the opportunity to kiss, he smirks and pulls back. "Didn't think you could get me that easily, did you?" He says cockily as he starts dancing again, twirling me around in circles and bending me backward toward the floor as he towers over me.

"Well, I must not have to try so hard if you were already so close to my lips," I respond confidently.

He chuckles. "That's fair... but how could I resist these nicely made pair of lips?" He questions, running his thumb over my bottom lip.

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