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"Hello?" Taehyung waves his hand in front of my face, bringing me out of my daze as I stare down at my phone. "You okay there?" He looks down at my phone, reading the messages.

"It's a date," he says, coming behind me and pushing me forward to start walking.

"A-A date?" I suddenly take in his words.

"Yeah, let's hurry and get your brother, so you won't be late for it."

"But I can't go. It's too sudden, and Jun just got back safe-"

"Stop making excuses, Y/N. Jun is perfectly fine and back where he belongs. You should go and enjoy it. I know you're exhausted from rushing around so much lately." After he says that, I don't argue. A break does sound nice.


The whole walk to school my mind is thinking hard.

'Is Park Jimin actually taking me on a date?'

I laugh inwardly because he's never been like that. Still, I don't know what's going on in his head or why he wants to meet up later.

"We're here," Taehyung pulls me out of my thoughts again as we walk towards the school gates.

"School was only let out an hour ago, so people are probably still inside cleaning," Taehyung says to my side.

"I'll get Jungkook. He probably needs a guy right now, not trying to be a jerk but-"

"I understand, Tae. You go talk to him and come find me when he's ready to come back home. I'll stay outside and walk around." I pat him on the back, easing him forward.

He nods and starts running forward into the school grounds. I slowly bypass the gates too, seeing a girl in the corner raking leaves.

I decide to go over and talk to her since I have nothing better to do. As I step closer, I notice that I made a mistake and start to spin around, but she sees me and calls me back before I can get out of her sight.

"Jeon, come here," her voice is tough.

'Oh, why didn't I stay to myself?'

I slowly turn around and walk up to her. She already saw me anyway so there's no getting out of it.

"Yes, Rina?" I sigh as I step closer towards her.

"I saw your brother running through the gate a little bit ago. He looked upset." She stops raking, looking down at the ground. "... I want to apologize for how I was acting before-"

"The one you need to apologize to is Mi Young, not me." Honestly, I don't care about Mi Young at all anymore. She's upset my family enough today, but Rina doesn't know that, and she doesn't need to.

I start to turn around and walk away again, but she laughs, stopping me in my tracks.

"She is the one person that I will not apologize to. I'm out here working after school because of her." Rina says with an annoyed attitude.

"You were beating her for weeks or more, Rina! No one should be bullied-"

"See that's where you're wrong. The only time I ever touched her was the day you walked in on me and my girls in the janitor's room. She lied. Told the principal that I was the one who did all of it when I never did. You see, all those marks she had on her body before that day, I didn't do." She stops raking, putting the rake on the side of the stone wall and leaning against it for a moment.

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