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I quickly strip and put on some warm clothes. I put on some fuzzy, ankle-length socks, a pair of white Dr. Martens, black leggings, and a long-sleeve, white t-shirt.

Going to my dresser, I search for a thick hoodie.

"Y/N, hurry before it gets dark outside!" Mom calls for me.

"Coming!" I grab the first hoodie on top and hurry out of the room without another moment to waste.

I rush down the stairs, trying not to trip over my own two feet, and put on the hoodie before making it to the bottom.

"Why are you wearing one of your brother's hoodies?" Mom looks at me confused but quickly changes her mind. "Never mind. We don't have time. You two go out and search around playgrounds, parks, and places a child might be. Call us if you find anything." Mom pushes both Jimin and me out of the house and shuts the door behind us.

I quickly pull out my phone and create a group chat. I add Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Mi Young, and mom to the chat. A few seconds later, Taehyung's added as well, most likely by Mi Young.

"Everyone text in here, so we can find out what's going on. Feel free to add any more people." I send the text and look at Jimin, ignoring our boundaries before nodding to him to follow me.

"Let's start looking,"


The streets have been crowded ever since we left the house. We've been outside searching for Jun for hours now. It's already past nine o'clock.

We've searched every nearby park, playground, amusement park, even aquariums, and yet, still no lead on where he could be.

Jungkook said he was searching with his basketball team around the less populated areas, while Yoongi and Cailey searched around schools. Cailey wasn't mad at Jungkook or me for what happened to Hoseok; however, she said she needed time to figure things out, but she said regardless that she was going to help us the best she could to find Jun.

I respect her for that. It takes a lot to consider something a close family member could have done, and she's not flat out denying it never happened but taking time to understand it herself.

Quickly, I shake my head. I need to stay focused, not think about the past when I can't change it anyway.

Jimin stops walking on the dark street, gaining my attention when he starts pulling out his phone.

"I'll see if anyone's called me. Check yours too." Jimin gestures to my phone.

I check my phone and see a few updates. More importantly, Jun is still missing as of now.

Jimin speaks up first, "I missed a message from Taehyung about an hour ago. He said he's going to talk to someone about this. He said he would text me as soon as he hears anything-"

"Add him to the group chat,"

"He said it would be better if he just contacted us through my phone. He doesn't want anyone getting involved with who he's talking to. He said that I know him, so it's different for me, but if you or your family were to be discovered, it could end differently." Jimin explains with a confused expression. The bright light of the screen shows all of his worries for Jun and then some.

"He just sent a message," Jimin's eyes light up with hope.

"What does it say?" I glance at the phone screen.

"He said that the guy he's trying to get in contact with won't be back for a few days. He said he has to wait until then." Jimin explains, gripping his phone tightly in his hand.

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