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A few minutes later, my phone goes off, making me jump from the sudden, loud sound.

I read the caller ID on my screen and look confused when I see it's Jimin calling me.

'What could he want?' I think, tracing back to the party when we were dancing earlier. 'Surely he doesn't want to talk about that, right?' I think again before standing on my own two feet, making Yoongi tear his attention away from the tv and to me instead.

"I have to take this," I say softly.

"Alright, want me to pause the movie?" He's about to lean up and grab the remote off the coffee table, but I stop him.

"No, it's fine. I've already seen this movie anyway, and you look like you're enjoying it. I'll be quick." I smile, letting him know it's perfectly fine.

I walk through our living room and turn to the right to head up our stairs. Going up the steps, I accept the call.

"Hello?" I respond.

"I was afraid you would never answer." His voice is low into the phone.

"Sorry, I was watching a movie." I turn my doorknob once I make it to my room and walk inside. "Do you need anything?" I ask, leaning against my door.

He chuckles. "No, I just wanted to check on you. I was going to ask if that drama ever settled down."

Truthfully, you haven't thought too much about it after dancing with Jimin. He did make you forget, even if it was for a little while. "Oh, that," you feel a little stupid thinking he was calling to ask about you dancing earlier. "Yeah, I haven't thought about it since. I'm just waiting for everything to cool down." You admit, squeezing your eyes shut for thinking so silly.

"Well, at least that's good." His voice is soothing to your ears for some reason, and you can't help but wonder how his night went too.

"Yeah, so are you still at the party or?" You leave your question hanging in the air.

"Nah, I ditched that place after we danced. I got a little bored after you left, so I decided to come home. Thankfully, I caught a ride with some friends of my parents on their way out, and they dropped me off at home." He explains, and you find yourself walking to your blinds.

You gently pull apart your window blinds with your index finger and thumb, looking outside to see his bedroom light off inside his room.

"Are you sure? Your light is turned off." Your eyes rake over his house, seeing no light whatsoever.

You hear him snicker gently over the phone. "That's because I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and talking to you. I can't sleep, so I thought I would call."

A slow smile starts appearing on your face, reminding you of old memories.

When you received your first phone, Jimin already had his, so you exchanged numbers and would text each other all the time, even calling whenever one of you couldn't sleep.

Jimin's the type of friend that would call and wake me up when he knew I would be late for school, and I would be the one to call and tell him to come over, so we could hang out. Of course, that was in the old days before everything changed.

"Well, I don't mind, but I have someone over..." I try to tell him, squinting my eyes shut because I don't want to seem rude, but Yoongi's downstairs waiting.

"Oh, I can let you go then. I don't want to keep you." His voice is so tender and soothing when he speaks. "I'll talk to you soon. Enjoy your night,"

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