Shooting Star

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Jimin looks cold, his face is red, and his jaw is clenched tightly. He spins around and stomps off a few steps, leaving me against the brick wall alone.

He puts his hands on his hips and faces the opposite way, shaking his head back and forth and starting to let out a deep chuckle. He turns around with a grin on his features but not at all in a happy-like way.

"Take me to him. I haven't formally met him, but I think it's a damn good enough time before I put him in the hospital." He comes up to me, making his way back to the position he was in just a few moments before.

"You can't-"

"Why? He deserves it, Y/N." He looks at me with a face mixed with sadness and anger. His eyes show worry and so much of it. "I can't just let that go-" Jimin mumbles the last few words quietly.

He turns around to take off to an unknown place, about to leave me behind to find Hoseok on his own, but I reach out and grab his upper arm, making him turn his head back over his shoulder toward me.

"Please don't go. All day it's been about what happened or finding out more dark secrets about the past... I just want to let it all go and forget, and you always make me forget when I truly need to, Jimin." He looks the other way, ignoring me because of his rage, and starts walking away again, but I grab his arm tighter. "Jimin, please, just stay with me. We can do anything else, but let's just forget this ever happened." I try as hard as I can to convince him to drop it. I walk around him and look up into his brown eyes, noticing how he stares off before answering.

Eventually, he nods his head slowly, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Fine, but if I ever get invited to another party of his, he's a dead man." He comments before shaking off the threatening tone in his voice and pulling me back onto the streets.

We walk a few feet ahead but still don't say a word to each other. I decide to break the ice this time.

"So... what did you do today?" I suddenly ask, changing the topic.

He almost laughs. I guess it does sound kind of weird to go from such a heavy topic to one that's so light-hearted. He slowly turns his head at me and rolls his eyes with a sly smirk.

"What?" I say back defensively.

"Nothing, so you want to hear what I did today?" He keeps that same smirk, looking at me still. I only nod my head.

"Well, let's see... I showed up late to school because I had a job this morning. I was called to the studio to meet with some girl; she's a new client-"

"Wait, what did you say?" I stop walking on the streets, remembering the email I read on his laptop last night but that's not why I'm feeling so strange.

Jimin turns to me confused because I stopped walking. "I went to the studio?" He looks at me closely, sticking up one eyebrow.

"After that," I turn and look up at him.

"I met with my client?" He repeats the last of his sentence, still looking a bit confused by my sudden halt.

"Yeah... that," I trail off a little sad for some reason.

"We just made a few videos. I posted them on the website because I haven't been as active on my account for the past few days, and my boss is... angry." He tries to sugarcoat it. He wraps his arm over my shoulder and continues to walk down the dark street.

"What type of videos?" I ask, looking down at the ground now, not meeting his eyes. I already know the answer, but I just need to hear it from him.

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