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I pause for a moment, looking at him strangely until the realization hits me.

"Oh no," I shake my hands frantically from the confusion. "I didn't give anyone a blowjob. I watched a porn video last night for the first time." I explain thoroughly; however, I said it much more bluntly than intended.

Jimin's mouth does a wide O shape as if now realizing, and he covers his mouth as he begins laughing from the misunderstanding.

"For a second, I thought you actually gave some guy head." He continues to laugh right beside me.

I furrow my brows. "And? Can you not see me ever doing that?" I cross my arms over my chest. I never actually thought about giving any guy a blowjob before, but the way Jimin is laughing, makes me annoyed, so I face him and let him know that if I wanted to, I could.

"Not really. It's just that you've never shown any signs of wanting to be sexual with anyone before, so it kind of took me off guard when I thought you meant you gave someone head last night." He explains, and I sigh before starting back up the tv.

I stand up from the bed and go to the bedroom door to flick off the light. I climb back in bed and try to focus on the movie instead of his mocking tone. I'm pissed because Jimin thinks so little of me. I can do things like that if I wanted to.

Jimin senses my attitude and turns down the volume of the tv so I can hear him.

"Look, Y/N, I didn't mean to offend you. I just can't see you ever getting into it. You've always been about love, not lust, so I find it hard to see you like that." He tries to come up with an excuse for why he thinks that way.

'I'm sick and tired of everyone belittling me and deciding what I can or can't do.' I think to myself, going through everything I've always been told. Does everyone only see me as innocent because I try to be sweet or because there are minor things I don't quite understand in the lustful world?

'I want to prove that I can do anything as much as the next person can.' I think.

I suddenly find myself asking something before my mind can stop me.

"Jimin, what do you do with those girls?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the tv screen as the movie plays.

"Why do you want to know? You want to be my next client?" Jimin laughs. I straighten up in his bed and nod my head agreeing to what he just said.

"What if I do," After I say those few words, Jimin stops laughing.

I can feel his gaze on me as I watch the screen in front of me.

"Come on, you're just joking with me because I made you mad." He tries to start laughing again, but I cut him off quickly.

"Do you think I'm joking?" I suddenly turn away from the movie and look into his eyes.

He stiffens from my seriousness. "You gotta be kidding me..." He trails off.

"No, I'm not. I want to prove to everyone that I'm not so innocent and if I learn how to do things as those girls did to you, then people will stop treating me like some child who doesn't know anything. I know what sex is, I know what a penis looks like-hell, I even know about kinks." I keep my eyes locked on his, and he looks so confused that I know these things.

"So what exactly do you do with those girls?" I ask but soon my phone goes off in my pocket.

I quickly pull it out, and a message from Kook pops up on my phone screen.

**"We're done. See you in the morning, night." Jungkook's message is short, but I send a quick okay back to him.

I notice Jimin staring at my phone. "Jungkook said I can come back," I explain. "But I truly want to learn. Besides just the main points of why everyone likes sex so much and to get the label innocent off of my head. I want to understand what makes it all so addictive." I look at him a little desperately.

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