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* Eleven Months Later *

Almost a whole year has passed since I've seen or heard from the people I love. I was taken straight to Japan from South Korea, never able to truly say my goodbyes to my family, friends, or Jimin.

After I came back to my senses that day, I haven't been the same. I watched someone I grew up with, someone I loved and cared for die right in front of me. I didn't even get to properly grieve over him. Jin told me afterward that he was now free. I yelled and told him that wasn't part of the deal, but Jin only shrugged his shoulders, saying "Life is full of heartbreak, sweetheart. It's best you suck it up and move on."

Every time I would start crying, Hoseok would mock me until I stopped, which now I've learned it's better not to show my emotions around the two, so I did just that. I became an emotionless marionette, having my strings controlled by their every move.

The whole time I've been here, I thought about how my family was doing and Jimin too. I imagined mom baking cookies for Jun, Jungkook playing basketball with Junsu again, and I sometimes wondered if Jimin was happy where he was too.

Jin kept out of the public, holding me by his side whenever we went to secret parties involving PrettyBoy's growth in the world. He always introduced me as his fiancée to the men he spoke with at the gatherings. It became clear after going to a few parties that it wasn't normal, things happened at the back of the buildings that I didn't want to know about. These parties were scattered all over the world.

Eventually, I found out that Jin was only keeping me by his side to prove to his father that he could keep a potential wife by his side for the future. He never touched me, nor did Hoseok, and that I was thankful for. During these last few months, Hoseok went back to South Korea to be by Mi Young's side when she had their baby.

I was glad he left because it meant I only had to be around one of them.

"Y/N, hurry," Jin yells through the penthouse.

"I'll be there in a second," I yell while putting on my earrings.

I had to look decent by his side all the time, or else it could ruin his reputation, not like it mattered because we were never in public, only ever around crooks, murderers, and drug dealers that were involved with these parties. As much as I hate to admit it, when I was at these gatherings, I only felt somewhat safe around Jin.

I quickly finish dressing up and look into the mirror.

My hair is up in a fancy bun, while my makeup is dark, giving off a mature look, so I won't look so young at these things. I wear a short, diamond-littered, sapphire dress that's one of Hoseok's designs that he brought from Korea.

I huff while looking into the mirror before leaving.

'I wonder what everyone would think if they saw me like this.'

I was never a girl to dress up a lot. My go-to was usually casual clothes, and I missed dressing up how I wanted. I smile at myself, knowing that I saved almost everyone from Jin's hands... except for one.

Trying not to start getting upset again, I shake my head and come out of the penthouse bathroom. I glance out of the balcony to see the beautiful landmark of our new location.

We've been in Paris for a few days, waiting for this party to start tonight. Jin has taken me across the whole world, discussing plans with his business partners for the future of PrettyBoy, and I couldn't do anything about it but stay by his side like a doll on display.

"I'm giving you five seconds-"

"I'm done," I swing the door open, being brought face-to-face with Jin who has an annoyed look on his features.

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