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When we walk into the school building, we each go to our small lockers and change our shoes before proceeding further into the building.

"So... what was that whisper with Yoongi?" I tease to her side, making her blush as red as a cherry.

"Wha-how-you-do you know?" Cailey whisper-yells in shock, glancing around the room to make sure no one is listening.

"Me? I don't know," I cross my arms over my chest and smirk at her.

"Y/N, do you really know?" Cailey looks at me seriously. I sigh and give in.

"I only heard bits and pieces," I admit, and she grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me around.

"Word-for-word, tell me what you heard!" Her face is pale as ice now.

"Something like 'just a few more days'?" I recall Yoongi's words from only moments before.

Cailey's eyes grow wide. "You can't tell anyone, not a single person!" She says and grabs me by the hand before running into the girls' bathroom.

Once we're both inside, she runs into a stall door and shuts it behind us before locking it shut in place.

"Okay... Yoongi and I have been a couple for a while now... and we've decided to take our relationship to the next level..." Cailey explains carefully about the subject.

My eyes widen at the shock of them planning to do it. "You mean like sex?"

"Look, I know you're very innocent and don't know a lot about things like this so that's why I didn't tell you. Plus Yoongi doesn't want me to go tell everyone when we're planning to have sex." She explains and rubs up the side of her arm before looking up at me.

My first thought is, 'Why does everyone think I'm so innocent? I literally watched porn last night.' But then my thoughts turn to Cailey and Yoongi.

"You know it's not his first time, right?"

"I know his past. He used to be a playboy before I met him. I know he's not a virgin anymore, but I don't mind that. I just want us to share that special moment together..." She trails off, her cheeks a rosy pink from thinking about the romantic moment.

I roll my eyes and smile. "If you two are one-hundred percent sure about this, I'll support you both and won't tell a soul." I grin and give her a gentle hug.

"Really? Oh, you're the greatest friend in the whole, wide world!" She shouts, then you both walk out of the stall to head to homeroom.

"Where are you two going to go? Yoongi sounded like he's had this planned out for weeks." I ask as we bypass our classmates in the hallway.

"He won't tell me. He just said for me to pack and tell my parents that I'm going on a study trip out of Seoul and that it might take a few days." She explains as you both walk into the classroom.

"Is it over the weekend?" I tease.

"Yeah, we're planning on Friday night." She giggles from the thought of it. I grin, walking first into the classroom.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy and that's all I care about," I admit.

It's still pretty early so not that many people are here yet. I come to my seat that's in the middle of the room and place my school bag down on the top of my desk.

Cailey comes to the desk next to mine on the right and does the same.

"I hope today will be an easy one. I just want to relax. My parents have been dragging me everywhere lately." She explains and sighs as she pulls out her chair to sit down.

"Well, maybe today will be easy." I agree and slide my chair out before sitting down too.


The day wasn't easy. We had a pop quiz and a sudden group presentation, which I hate doing. We had to start a thesis for an essay, then had to turn in our math homework, which thankfully, I completed last night.

"Ugh, today has been exhausting!" Cailey whines, laying over her desk with her head down in dread.

"At least Monday is over," I explain and gather my things together while sliding them into my school bag.

"Ready to leave, Y/N?" Jungkook suddenly pops his head into the classroom after the last bell rings.

"Yeah, I'm packing up so give me a minute," I call. He walks inside and sits down on the edge of the empty desk in front of me.

All my other classmates have already left except for one who clumsily knocks over his books to the floor.

We all turn around to see where the loud noise is coming from. The guy readjusts his glasses before apologizing and trying to pick up his books.

"Hey, let me help," I stand up from my seat and go to the back of the room, bending down to help him pick up his things.

"Oh, you don't have to," he says softly, but he notices Jungkook near my desk.

I hand him the books, and he says a quick 'thank you' before standing up and walking towards Jungkook. I stand up from the ground and watch him.

He stops walking and gets right in front of Jungkook, staring at him intensely with Jungkook returning the strong gaze.

"Stay the fuck away from my sister." The guy fires at him before knocking Jungkook back with his shoulder and leaving the room.

Jungkook closes his eyes and turns his hands into fists, clenching his jaw.

"Who was that?" I say, walking back to him and Cailey.

"It's Mi Young's twin brother, Kim Taehyung." He explains and tells me to hurry up, so we can head back home.


"Cailey, is Yoongi going to meet you?" Jungkook asks her, while we all put on our other shoes by the lockers.

"Yeah, we're going to this small, ice cream shop on our way back home. He's meeting me by the school gate." Cailey explains and quickly hugs me before leaving. I watch her head outside towards the school gate.

"Let's go home and see if we can find Max," Jungkook says as we both walk out of the door.

"Yeah, hopefully, he'll be back home," I say, and we walk towards the gate.

The sun shines lower in the afternoon. As we get closer to the exit, we see Yoongi and Cailey leaning against the school gate kissing. People bypass them and some stare while others pay no mind, but I just smile because I can see how romantic it is.

"Let's pick up some food before we get back too. I want spicy noodles tonight." I joke with Jungkook.

"Alright, we'll get you some spicy noodles, sis." He pats my head as we bypass the love birds and get on the street to head back home.


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