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His brown eyes meet mine. His skin is so smooth, and his hair is too flawless.

I've never been this close to a celebrity before. But of course, it would have to be one of my favorite actors too.

Ever since he's started acting, he's been a huge hit. I've found myself watching all of his dramas and even imagine that I'm the lead girl protagonist if it's a romance story. I've had the biggest crush on him ever since, and now I'm lucky to be standing in the same room as him.

'He looks even better in person. Someone pinch me.'

"Who is she?" Jin looks at me.

"She's a friend of mine. She followed me here and got inside the building. Please, pretend she's not here." Taehyung says calmly, but he balls his hand up in a fist. I can tell he doesn't like him.

"Sir, I apologize for not informing you of an outside. I should have informed her of your status to the public eye too." The girl that showed us to his office bows politely, waiting for what he has to say.

He nods his head understandingly, putting down his pen and leaving his work alone for the meantime.

"It's fine. You two, please take a seat," he addresses us, waving to the girl for her to leave the room.

Taehyung and I walk over to a matching pair of black, leather seats and wait for what else he's going to say. He walks over in front of us both.

"Since introductions are necessary, I'll go first. I'm Kim Seok-Jin. I started as a young businessman who rose to fame when my original business took off. Now I'm mostly an actor, but I still work on my business during my free time. Although I'm sure you already knew that." Jin looks at me and winks. He bends down and outstretching his hand toward mine.

"May I know your name?" Jin keeps his gaze on me, and it takes everything in me not to faint.

I gently place my hand in his and say my name.

"Y/N," I say shyly.

"Y/N... that's perfect," Jin closes his eyes and bends down to place a delicate kiss on top of my hand.

My eyes widen. 'He's like a prince-scratch that-he is a prince.'

When he pulls his lips away, he lets out a deep chuckle that my ears could never get tired of hearing.

"My apologies, I couldn't help myself." Jin lets go of my hand and steps back to lean against the front of his desk. He finally tears his gaze away from mine and to Taehyung's.

"Now can you tell me what this sudden appointment is about, Taehyung?" Jin crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Taehyung to inform him of the situation.


"I see," Jin hums in agreement after Taehyung gets through explaining.

"So this is your nephew that's missing?" His mind is lost in thought, cupping his chin with his hand.

"Yes, he's such a sweet boy, and his mother is ill because of his disappearance," I explain sadly.

"I understand. I promise that I will do everything in my power to look for your nephew. His name is Jun, right?" Jin asks while taking out his phone from his pocket.

I nod silently, wondering what he's about to do.

He holds the phone up to his ear. Seconds later, someone answers on the other line.

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