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My eyes widen at my father's words. I turn around and see Mom leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

'A divorce? No, Mom and Dad had their ups and downs like some other couples, well, maybe not normal couples... but a divorce? It can't be happening.' I think to myself and slide out of my chair, backing away from everyone in the room.

"You can't be fucking serious. This has to be some sick joke." Jungkook's voice rises from his spot in the chair.

"Don't use that language with me." Dad's temper shows now. He always hated when Jungkook cursed. He never permitted it, but when Jungkook hit the age of fifteen, he started firing off the words.

"Why not? You suddenly drop this on Y/N and me one month before we're supposed to leave? How the fuck am I supposed to react dammit!" Jungkook stands from his seat, making the chair fall back and hit the floor with a hard thud.

Dad slowly stands from his spot and gets face-to-face with Jungkook.

This is what always pained me about Dad. At times, he treated us wrongly if something wasn't perfect, taking it out on us, while Mom would just stand in the back and let it happen because of her depression. Of course, the abuse stopped long ago when Dad was a heavy drinker but that doesn't mean he still doesn't have his moments.

When Dad rears back his hand in the air, I know what he's about to do before he does it. I can't do anything but watch as my brother falls hard on the floor, his head hitting the ground roughly.

Immediately, I rush over and try to help Jungkook up, but Dad comes to me and yanks me up harshly before pushing me to Mom.

"Don't fucking touch her!" Jungkook turns around and grits his teeth at Dad. A red handprint is stained on his features.

He grabs Jungkook by the collar of his shirt, and I lose it.

"Stop it, Dad! Please just stop. We get it. You and Mom should be happy like you said. Jungkook and I will make it work and say our goodbyes, okay? So let Jungkook go and let's drop this alright?" When I started becoming older, I had to be the one to intervene and stop when things were about to go insane. Not that being hit by a parent isn't crazy enough but just before a literal fight would break out.

Dad lets go of Jungkook and looks at me. "I'm sorry. You know my temper isn't the best." Dad tries to explain. He runs his fingers through his becoming gray-hair to fix the locks that have fallen out of place from his movements.

"It's okay, Dad. Is there anything else you want to tell us why we're here?" I say calmly, trying to settle the situation and distract his thoughts away from Jungkook's outburst.

Dad shakes his head. "No, I don't have anything else to say. Do you need to tell the kids anything?" He doesn't look at Mom, but he speaks to her.

"You two should know that we can't take a lot when we move. Some items need to be thrown away or given to goodwill." Mom says with no emotion.

"We understand. Can Jungkook and I go upstairs? I need help with some more homework. It's due tomorrow." I wait for one of them to answer me.

"Yes, go," Dad sighs and falls back into his seat, rubbing his temples as if exhausted.

I walk to Jungkook and grab his hand, walking back upstairs. It's always best not to speak to Jungkook when he's mad, so I don't say anything to him. Sadly, he got that trait from Dad more than likely. I lead Jungkook into my room and shut the door behind him.

He goes and falls back on my bed, while I walk over to my desk. I sit down in my spinning chair and swing towards my brother. No words cross between us in the past few minutes.

I suddenly remember the red mark on Jungkook's face and stand up from my seat. I go into my bathroom that's built into my room and get a cold, wet washrag. I come back to my room and walk towards him on the bed, placing the rag on his cheek. He hisses at first but breathes relaxed after the pain subsides.

"He's such a dick," Jungkook sits up from the bed, wincing as he holds the cloth to his face.

I don't say anything to that. He's right, but at the same time, he's still our Dad, and it's hard for me to call anyone I love such words.

"I can't believe they're getting a divorce. I mean, I wonder who brought it up in the first place." I comment, thinking over what little detail Dad went into.

"I don't know, and I don't care. How do they expect us to willingly pack up and leave our home? I have a life here, my girlfriend, friends, and memories. Everything I know is here. I don't even speak English so how am I expected to learn it in one month?"

"Mr. Kim knows English well. I have him for English, and he explains everything perfectly. He recommended for our class to start watching this American show. I watched a few episodes, and I'm liking it so far." I admit, rethinking about the show for a brief minute.

"You aren't talking about Kim Namjoon, are you?" Jungkook looks over at me lazily.

"Yeah, why?" I say back, wondering why his tone dropped.

"Sis, that's my girlfriend's dad. He literally can't stand me because he walked in on us doing it." Jungkook sighs, knowing his small ray of hope for learning English is down the drain now.

"Jungkook!" I slap his arm with my brows furrowed.

"Ouch!" Jungkook rubs up the side of his arm. "Why did you hit me?" He looks at me meanly.

"Jungkook, you know why! You had sex and didn't think to tell me-we tell each other everything! Holy crap, what if Dad finds out?"

"Dad isn't going to find out and never will. As long as the four of us know and that's all, we're good. You, Mi Young, me, and her dad, then we are safe." Jungkook smiles innocently.

"Jungkook, I don't see how you're taking this so light-hearted! What if she gets pregnant!" I whisper-yell at him.

"We use condoms." He confirms.

"What if it breaks!" I say back.

"She's also on birth control. See, we're cautious." He muses.

"What about illnesses? Like STDs and things like that?" I say back a little confused, still not sure exactly how any of that works since I don't know a lot about the sexual field myself because I've never experienced it, but I want to make sure he's protected.

"I'm letting that go because you don't know about sex yet but normally, asking if your brother's girlfriend has an STD or herpes isn't a good sibling moment." He jokes and then it hits me how I was being rude without even realizing it.

"Oh, sorry, Kook. I didn't mean to."

"Hey, no worries and to answer your question, I was her first, so she doesn't have anything." He explains, which makes me furrow my brow.

"What about you? Was she your first-"
Already sensing what I am on about, he cuts me off with a hearty laugh.

"Me? Sis, I haven't been a virgin since freshman year." He explains, making my eyes widen. I know we're seniors now, but he did this so long ago and is just now telling me about it.

"To who? And again, why didn't you tell me?" I blurt out.

"It was just some random girl. I didn't tell you about it because one, you go crazy with things like this, and two, you can't keep a secret." He explains.

"I can too and wait... you don't even know the girl you slept with?"

Sighing, he nods his head a little shamefully. "Yeah, it was stupid of me. I was running around being a playboy and didn't care about myself or anyone else. You know, during that time. Anyway, it's different now because I have feelings for Mi Young, and she does me too, or else she wouldn't have let me take something that special from her." He smiles and looks down at me, patting my head gently.

"Oh, sis. My younger, innocent, naive, baby sister, you have much to learn."


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