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Jimin shakes his head with a light laugh.

"How did I end up with such a sweet, considerate, and hot date?" He takes my hand off of his cheek, spreading his legs out on the sand before turning me around, so my back is pressed up against his chest comfortably.

He wraps his arms around me, holding me close as we both listen to the ocean's beautiful sound. I lay back against him, relaxing from this peaceful atmosphere.

"I feel bad for lying to you before about why I started my job. I truthfully only did it so that I could maybe one day be close to the one I like." I feel his arms tighten around my body. "What do you think she would say? Even knowing all the things that I do. Do you think I would scare her away?" I can feel his heart racing against me.

"I don't know. It depends on the girl." I feel sad that he still has this mystery girl on his mind.

He stays quiet for a second, staying to his thoughts before speaking any further.

"If... if she was you... what would you say?" This time, my heart starts pounding.

"If I was the girl you like?" I ask, starting to turn back to face him, but he quickly tells me not to.

"Don't look back here," he says quickly, causing me to keep my head forward. "And yes. What would you say if you were her? If I told you my true feelings, how would you respond?" I can feel him starting to tense up.

"If I was her, I would be happy. I know everything about you, and I'm not scared of you at all. At first, I was a little caught off guard when you told me you were a Camboy, but I tried seeing things on your side, and I was fine with it because you didn't complain about your job. Of course, now it seems dangerous..." I pause, turning around to face him, even though he told me not to.

"W-Wait! Y/N, eyes forward-"

When I turn back and see him, I know exactly why he didn't want me to look at him.

His whole face is bright red, eyes big, and body trembling nervously.

He turns away, trying to hide his blush. His eyes stare hard at the sand as he thinks quickly of what to say.

I turn my body around and sit on my heels to face him fully.


"I'm sorry. I-I know that you're probably disgusted because of what I've done with other girls, but the truth is... I've had feelings for you the whole time. You're the reason I started being a PrettyBoy. The one that I never got over... the girl I never confessed to... is you."

I blink back shocked, resting my hands on my knees as I take in his words.

'The girl is me?'

"When we went to the nightclub, Lynn mentioned Ara, and I could tell that I wasn't the only one with these feelings. As soon as I noticed it, I also saw your pain. I didn't realize it would hurt you because I didn't know what you felt towards me." He takes my hands in his shaking ones.

"I'm sorry for trying to find someone else, but I want you to know that I never would have thought we could ever be... like this," he pauses to look down at our hands.

"I've never confessed to anyone before, so I'm a little nervous right now. Honestly, I'm trying out all these new things with you, and I'm a bit nervous, but I'm happy because you're here by my side." He slowly rubs circles around my knuckles to distract himself from his nerves.

He breathes in and out slowly, controlling his emotions.

"I've always liked you, Y/N. Since the first day we met at the park, I've always had a crush on you. I knew that I wouldn't stand a chance because I used to be all nerdy a few years ago. I even got bullied at school because of it." He stops to laugh at something. "Now everyone wants to either be my best friend or have sex with me to brag that they slept with Park Jimin." He says with a sad tone.

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