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"... Junsu?" I stare above in disbelief, still squatting on the ground with my mouth agape.

"Big bro's home," he smiles cheekily. That same smile that I've missed all these years that kept this family together. It's the smile that always encouraged me to keep pushing in my failing classes, and Jungkook with practicing tiredly every day to get onto the basketball team... that's the smile I know and have missed so much.

It's his smile. The one that could never be replaced and held so much love.

Without wasting another moment, I stand up and reach my hand out towards him, feeling his thick jacket to make sure this is real and not some cruel illusion.

When I realize he's actually here, I look him in the eyes, almost going into shock. He opens his arms, inviting me in for a big hug.

I choke on my tears and take a big step forward, crashing into my brother's arms and hugging him tightly in case he might disappear before my eyes again. It's not a cold or unfamiliar embrace but instead warm and full of tenderness.

I thought he was dead all this time. Even when Jungkook told me he was still alive, I couldn't truly make myself believe.

I've never found closure for losing him. I just pretended like everyone else in this house did. We never moved on from this. Losing him the way we did was one of the hardest challenges we've ever had to face. We never found peace with his disappearance, not even until now.

I try opening my eyes, but my tears blind me, making my vision blurry.

"I-I can't see y-you," I break through hard sobs, clinging onto him for dear life because I don't want him to vanish again.

"Shh, it's okay," he pulls me back and wipes my tears away, kissing my forehead softly. "I'm right here, Y/N. Your Junnie is right here," his voice is the same. After hearing him say my name and the old nickname I gave him as a child, it takes me twice as long to calm down my wrecked nerves.

"Y/N, what's taking so long?" Jungkook rounds the corner, looking at us with wide eyes.

Jungkook drops his phone that's in his hand and runs straight forward, enveloping us in an even tighter hug.

"You... you actually are alive. I knew it. I fucking knew it." Jungkook cries, starting to lightly hit Junsu's chest. "You left us! You bastard! You... you left me!" Jungkook breaks down, and Junsu can only cling to us while rubbing both of our backs, trying to calm us down as best as he can.

"Kids? What's all the yelling about?" mom's voice comes from behind us, but we don't so much as move an inch.

"Hey, Mom. It's been a while," Junsu looks up, meeting her eyes.

Jungkook and I continue to shed our tears on his shirt, not able to contain the wave of emotions that are spilling out.

"... Junsu?... I-I'm lost," she trips over her words.

I hear her footsteps starting to come closer towards us. I pull away from Junsu and try to tug Jungkook off too.

"Come on, Kook. Mom needs to see him up close too." I whisper.

Jungkook nods his head, pulling away from Junsu and coming to my side next to the wall.

"I-I need to sit," Jungkook mumbles while sliding to the ground against the wall.

I sit down as well, stretching my legs out so that he can rest his head on my lap, which he already starts laying his head down before I can get fully comfortable.

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