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Almost instantly, we are shoulder-to-shoulder with people that we've never seen before, trying to squeeze by to get into the ballroom of the party.

Once inside, we lost Jungkook and Mi Young. We were originally following behind them, but they must have turned a different direction with us not noticing.

"Okay, stay with me. I don't need to be alone here." Yoongi pats my hand.

Yoongi was never one to like classes. Low, middle, or high positions in society. He never once cared for someone who had millions in the bank or one who had a penny. He was never one to judge people based on wealth, which is why he's so nervous to be here right now.

It's because he knows that not everyone thinks like him and that scares the hell out of him. He doesn't want to be judged based on what he doesn't have and even worse to be judged by Cailey's parents telling him that he'll never be good enough for their daughter. It terrified him in a way he's never felt before.

I only know all this because he told me so before the two ever started dating. He didn't want to end up with a rich girl because he said he didn't want to potentially ruin her future if she were to be with a guy like him.

It still pains me how deep in conversation Yoongi and I got. He let out all his emotions, and I sat there, listening to every word. He was there for me when we lost Junsu, so the least I could do was to be there when he lost himself.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave your side. Unless you find Cailey, and I might go somewhere less crowded." I explain, receiving a chuckle from him.

"Alright, I know you don't like crowds, so if I find her, I'll let you go." He chuckles even more because of how much I don't like being around waves of people, but he's the same too; however, these people are rich so that's the reason why he feels uncomfortable here.

We push further into the life of the party, and suddenly, I hear my name being called close by.

"Y/N!" I hear it clearer this time, and when I turn, I see Cailey to my side. She starts tugging me along someway with Yoongi following because we both are still latched onto each other, so we wouldn't get lost.

"My parents want to see you again, Y/N, and Yoongi, they wanted to see what her boyfriend looks like." Cailey pauses a moment before resuming further toward their direction.

Suddenly, Yoongi stops and keeps me stuck to my spot on the floor.

"Forget that. If they see me now, they'll just think that I play around a lot when they find out we're dating. They'll have the impression that I hook up with girls and act like a playboy all the time." Yoongi whispers to Cailey, being cautious of his current place in the wave of people surrounding us.

"Don't worry about it, Yoongi. Besides, you should be able to play that role pretty well... considering what you did with those girls, including Rina." Cailey snaps with a little attitude.

'She still hasn't let the thought fade.' I think to myself.

"I've been dating you for two years exactly! I haven't touched any girl like that since her. I haven't even tried to make a major move on you because you're a virgin. I was trying to wait until you were ready. It's not my fault that Rina had the guts to ask for it when you can't." Yoongi fires back, still in a low whisper before pursuing ahead of her and steering me towards her parents.

I'm in the middle of them and also in this argument since I've heard it all go down between the two. I'm hella uncomfortable right now, but Yoongi's grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward without waiting on Cailey.

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