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Once making it inside my room, I go to my dresser and start pulling out clothes.

"You do know that I only wanted you to stay downstairs so that I could take a shower, right?" I grab some fresh clothes.

"Oh... well, I do now," he jokes, coming up behind me and placing his hands on the sides of my hips unexpectedly. "You know, I could join you in the shower if you'd like." He whispers against my ear, nibbling on the edge of my earlobe. His hands run up and down my sides, making my insides start to heat up.

"Jimin," I call his name. My body's not used to his hands.

That seems to boost his confidence because soon he's moving his lips down lower to my neck, sucking on my skin lightly and leaving behind wet kisses. My skin becomes hot to the touch.

He moves his lips down my shoulder, and he tenderly bites down on my body. It's something that I've never experienced before.

Although we've only kissed, I don't feel worried about doing any of this with him. I want to see what more he could show me as he was saying earlier.

He pulls away slowly. "Let's continue this in the shower where I can..." he pauses, rubbing the back of his knuckles against my cheek. The feeling causes me to shudder. "touch more of you." He removes his hand and walks to the bathroom, tugging me along with him, and I more than willingly go.

Right now, I can only focus on him. A bit of nervousness but excitement are mixed within me.

He shuts the bathroom door and locks it once we're inside, then he pulls off his white hoodie and lays it down on the bathroom counter, revealing his black t-shirt.

"Are you ready for me to start treating you like a client? Or do you need to wait a little longer?" He looks at my expressions closely. "I can wait in your bedroom, and we can do this another day." He tells me firmly, letting me know that I can back out of this at any given time.

"No, I'm not scared. I want you to touch me," for a split second, his eyes widen from my boldness.

He smirks and goes to the shower, turning the temperature to the hot side.

"Okay, then strip," he turns to me, looking over his shoulder at my body and the clothes stuffed into my hands.

"I'll let you know when the water turns warm." Bringing his fingers into the shower, he tests the temperature, paying no mind to me.

As I stare in front of me, I watch his back muscles flex every time he moves through the thin shirt.

I take a deep breath and move to the counter.
I lay the clothes down and begin undressing. Tugging on the ends of my shirt, I pull it over my head and toss it on the floor. I can feel my heart race with every piece of clothing I remove.

Bending over, I slide my pants and socks off as well. I brace myself with my heart hammering in my chest before unbuttoning my red bra and sliding down my non-matching, gray panties. I try to gather my thoughts when I pull out my ponytail and know that I have nothing left to remove.

I stand still, watching him in front of me. He's still feeling the water, while I'm standing here with my hand running up my arm from a tad of nervousness. The hot steam comes out of the shower, and it's a scene I never would have expected to witness.

Shaking my head, I know that I can do this and that there's nothing to it.

"I'm done, Jimin," when he turns around and looks at me, I can't help but face away from his intense eyes.

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