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The next day wasn't any easier... at least for me.

I stayed up all night watching over Jungkook. Yoongi stayed overnight too. We were planning to take turns staying up and looking over him, but Yoongi crashed pretty hard himself, so I let him sleep since I had him running around the whole day doing errands for me.

While Jungkook slept peacefully in the hospital bed, Yoongi slept in the chair in the corner, and I took the vacant bed next to Jungkook.

I had Yoongi go back to the house one more time to get my phone and computer. I mostly stayed up doing homework and searching for ideas to help Jungkook's recovery go by faster.

By the time I finish everything, it's eight in the morning. The two boys are still passed out.

I grin to myself as I glance at the two, remembering all the sleepovers they did when they were younger.

My attention gets turned away when a soft knock lands on the door.

I get up from the bed easily, making sure I don't cause noise. I tiptoe carefully in my cozy slippers to the door before pulling it open and stepping outside into the hall, shutting the door back behind me quietly.

When I turn around, I'm surprised to see Jimin standing inches away from me. He's dressed in a white hoodie with his ripped, blue jeans and his black boots. I notice right away he's wearing his glasses like normal, which takes me off guard a little, but I like it because I'm so much more used to seeing him like this than without them.

"Jimin?" I question, crossing my arms over my chest, wondering why he's here.

"I came to check up on him and you. How's everything going?" He explains with a sly smile.

"Jungkook woke up and has been doing better. Yoongi came over to help me watch over him, but he ended up crashing, so I stayed up and did work." Jimin peeks into the glass door of Jungkook's room.

"Since they're both asleep, you should come with me for a little bit. You need a break because I don't think you slept any last night." He can read me so easily, or maybe I just look exhausted.

"I can't go. I have to stay here." I explain.

"Alright, well, grab a coffee with me. It's only in the hospital's cafeteria, and we'll be close to him." He already starts tugging me down the hallway.

"Jimin, I'm still in my pajamas!" I exclaim embarrassed.

"Oh, you look good in whatever you wear." He bumps me with his shoulder, trying to loosen my nerves, but I can't shake the same worried feeling that easily. "Besides, you won't be the only visitor in your pajamas here."

We continue walking down the long, white halls, turning this way and that until we eventually end up in the hospital's food court, which if not for Jimin, I would have never found it myself.

He walks up to the line, waiting until it's our turn to order.

"Two Americano's, please," Jimin walks up to the cashier and pulls out his wallet, but I protest and grab his arm.

"You don't have to do that. I have my own money-"

"I want to do it so go sit down. I remember the creams you like in yours." He winks at me and turns back around to pay.

The wink took me off guard; I won't deny it, but I'm starting to get used to his flirty side a little, which is kind of strange considering it's one of my best friends.

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