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The early morning sun comes shining in through my bedroom window, casting black and white shadows over my bed from the blinds.

I gently turn my head to read my alarm clock. '6:03,'. I groan at going to school because it's Monday. I pull myself up from the bed and fix my mattress nice and neat like my parents always want. I walk into my bathroom and glance at the mirror-my hair has seen better days.

After taking care of my morning routine and changing into my black-colored, school uniform, I hurry downstairs and walk into a silent kitchen.

Dad is nowhere to be seen, and Jungkook is eating at the table, not dressed in his uniform yet; he's still in his pajamas. He looks like as soon as he woke up, he ran downstairs to eat.

I spot Mom making some pancakes, cooking eggs and bacon too. She makes a plate for me and comes over to place it on the table opposite of Jungkook.

"Kids, your father will be gone for a few days. He went to travel to Busan to find a new house." Mom explains, walking back over to turn off the stove.

"Wait, so he's not going to live here?" Jungkook asks, reaching for his glass of water.

I walk forward and take my seat, listening to what she's going to say.

She turns around and crosses her arms. She looks so tired, and she has for a while now, but she seems like she's aging faster than Dad, even though she's younger than him.

"He said it's too painful to live in this house. Since we lost Junsu, it's not the same here anymore." Mom explains, then breathes in and out before turning away and disappearing back to her bedroom again.

I look down at my plate, seeming to have lost my appetite from the sudden topic change. I glance at Jungkook who seems the same.

Our older brother's death still weighs heavily on all of our hearts. He was easily the one who held our family together, but now we're falling apart.

I stand up from the table and watch as Jungkook is deep within his thoughts. "Done?" I ask sweetly to him.

"Uh, yeah," he comes out of his thoughts and hands his plate to me.

I go over and dispose of the food, sliding off the scraps into our dog's bowl to eat. Speaking of which, I haven't seen our dog since yesterday when we got back from our vacation.

"Have you seen Max?" I turn back and look at him as I place the dishes into the sink.

He shakes his head. "Not since yesterday. Don't worry, you know Max likes to go on these adventures sometimes. Besides, our neighbor's have been feeding him for us, while we were away, so he's probably over there. He'll probably be back by the time we're home from school." Jungkook walks over to place his glass in the sink before walking up the stairs to get ready for school.

I lean back against the kitchen cabinets, letting my head rest against the wooden frame.

'She still can't get over her depression, even though it happened four years ago.' I think about Mom.

I shake my head and try not to think about anyone for the moment, trying to distance myself from the sad thoughts before my day is ruined. I walk back upstairs to my room and grab my school bag before walking down the second-floor hallway and knocking on Jungkook's bedroom door.

"Are you coming, Kook?" I knock on his door.

"You go first today. I'll walk home with you after classes are over." He explains before I hear a crash on the other side of the door, followed by a loud ouch right afterward.

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