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I hurried back home, not wanting to be alone on the streets after what took place. My heart pounds in my chest as I finally catch sight of my house ahead. I take a moment to breathe before walking the rest of the way.

It doesn't take me long to reach the door, but right before I can step inside, the door swings open quickly.

I come face-to-face with Yoongi who looks surprised to see me.

"O-Oh, Y/N, I... I'll see you later," he stutters, then runs past me, jumping over the small gate as he starts sprinting on the street.

I watch him run until I can't see him any longer.

'What was that about?'

Stepping inside the house, I immediately hear Cailey crying in the living room.

"Cailey?" I rush up to her side, seeing how mom and Sun Hee are already beside her. "What's wrong?" I ask, bending down, so I can see her.

She stops crying to look at me. Tears run down her cheeks; however, she aggressively wipes them away.

"Yoongi broke up with me. We were watching tv together, then he got a message on his phone. He stood up, told me he was sorry and said that we were done. And now he's gone." Her voice cracks.

I turn back and see the rest of the guys except for Taehyung all in the kitchen.

'Jin must have broke Yoongi's contract like he said. He must be going to get the money or find Rina.'

Looking upstairs, I hear my bedroom door shut. I see Taehyung sleepily walking down the stairs. He yawns widely, scratching underneath his shirt on his stomach before making it down the stairs.

When he fully takes everyone, his eyes are on Cailey.

Before he can say anything, I grab his wrist and pull him outside of the house real quick.

"Whoa," he says briefly as I shut the front door behind us.

"Yoongi broke up with Cailey. I went and met with Jin earlier because I thought I owed him a favor for finding Jun. He said that he would rip up Jungkook, Junsu, and Yoongi's contracts. He just broke up with Cailey because his contract is over. He's either on his way to get the money for pretending to date her or find Rina. And before I leave Seoul, I have to go on a date with Jin..." I tell him everything.

His eyes nearly pop out from hearing everything I told him.

"You what?" Taehyung's eyes got even bigger, then he shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Let me get this straight, you left the house to meet with him?" He questions, placing his hands on his hips.

I nod. "I know he's basically the boss, just not the owner. He told me so-"

"Wonderful, now you know. I was trying to keep his identity hidden from you so that's why I told you he wasn't the boss and not to follow me that day. You're going to be trapped in this too-"

"I didn't sign anything though! I'm not bound to him like the rest." I try to find hope in my words, but he shakes his head as if that doesn't matter at all.

"You think he cares if he has your name on a sheet of paper or not? If he wants you to do something, then he'll find a way." He looks away, clearly pissed.

"You're going to listen to me because if you don't, then you're going to end up getting yourself killed. You will not meet up with him anymore except for this little date he wants you to go on. You won't tell anyone about this and especially not Jungkook. If your brother knew about Jin wanting you to go out with him, then he would show up and could make things worse because of how protective he is. When you move, you will cut all contacts from South Korea... including us. You won't message me, Cailey, Yoongi... or Jimin. It's for you and your own family's safety." He sighs. "What a damn morning."

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