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I don't so much as breathe and neither does Jimin. We both sit in silence as our minds race with thoughts daring to ask each other.

Jimin finally gets the nerve and parts his lips before saying anything.

"Please keep this a secret. No one can find out that I'm doing-"

"Porn? Is that what you're going to say?" I glance at the computer that lays on the carpeted floor. "Why?"

I need to hear why he's doing this. He has been my best friend my whole life and to think he was doing things like this without me knowing. It hurts that I could have possibly talked him out of it if only he would have come to me first.

He takes off his glasses and sighs before doing anything else.

"I wanted to experience sex. We had just started freshman year, and my birthday passed weeks later. Well, our classmates would be talking in the halls, telling who has lost their virginity and who has done this and that." He pauses and leans down to the floor to pick up his computer before opening the screen and turning it on.

"I felt like an outcast, to say the least. My friends-" He pauses to glance at me. "My guy friends always talked about what they did with these girls or with their girlfriends, and I had nothing to add to the conversation, so I just shut up and listened. One of my good friends introduced me to this website and told me I could lose my virginity and also get paid well for making videos. He said all I had to do was lie about my age and that I would be easily accepted. Of course, I didn't start working the job until I was nearly seventeen." He spins the laptop around and scrolls down his user on the porn website, showing me all the videos he's made.

"I wasn't going to do it at first but decided to at least try it before I knock it, so I did. Yoongi was right about the money-" I cut him off.

"Did you say Yoongi?" My eyes widen in shock.

"Yeah, he was my friend who showed me the site, but he quit doing it when he found a girl." He spins the computer back around and pulls up Yoongi's account, showing me Yoongi's old videos as well. Of course, Jimin doesn't click on any of the videos, so I don't see anything that I shouldn't. When he mentions a girl my mind immediately thinks of Cailey and how this would affect her if she knew.

I can't even think, first Jimin and now Yoongi.

"Wait, why are your identities changed? In some of the earlier videos, you both wore masks, and in the newer ones, you show a glimpse of your face, but you look different than your every day selves." I ask, trying to piece together everything.

"We have a makeup artist that changes our face up pretty well during the production. Sometimes we would wear wigs, other times we would have our hair styled differently. Most of the time, we wouldn't even be shown in the videos but only the girl would. It's just a range of different factors." He explains.

"But the video I just saw, your face was shown completely, and the girl called out your name," I say back confused.

"Those videos aren't posted for the public. They're privately made by my clients and are saved to my documents on my laptop. We each keep the videos and have to agree on not posting it, or else my company will have to take care of some business if my partners do." Jimin explains and then hands me the computer.

He decides to let the rest be explained by letting me look through the website.

I click on his user and immediately read the name he has.

"Your user is PrettyBoy21?" I read the name.

"That's right. My company is Pretty Boy, but we have both genders in our company. The girls are preferably called Pretty Girls. We all have to use the same user and a number. The number means I was the 21st person to start working for them." He then takes back the computer, typing in something, then showing me the screen again.

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