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"What did you wish for?" I ask next to him.

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true, now would it?" He smirks, standing up from the swing and reaching out his hand in front of me to take.

I gently place my hand in his and stand up too.

"Well, I suppose those are the rules. So I guess we're leaving now?" I giggle.

"Yeah, I want to show you something else tonight." He comments, leading me past the empty playground.

"First things first, we need to fix your clothes." He adds in, shaking off my school jacket all of a sudden.

"Why?" I say back with a laugh, helping him get my jacket off the rest of the way.

"Because the next place we're going doesn't allow high schoolers inside. Though I'm pretty close with the owner, so I get a few exceptions." He laughs, then takes the jacket off of me and ties it around my waist. He also takes off my tie and puts it inside his pocket.

"There, now you look a little more rebellious." He chuckles, making sure to hide anything else that screams high schooler to the publics' eyes.

Afterward, we're back on the streets with the busy bustle of the crowded city life surrounding us.

"So where exactly is this place?" I bump his arm with my shoulder kiddingly.

"I thought I would take you somewhere you've never been. It's somewhere a little out of your comfort zone." He says with a sly smirk.

"Lead the way," I grin with him tugging me along under the night sky.

This is exactly what I need. I need to forget about everything, including Hoseok so that's what I'm doing. Tonight Jimin's helping me forget and also making me remember how much fun I would always have with him. Maybe I'm using this as a coping mechanism because I could have gone through something horrible, but thankfully, I didn't, and I'm fine. I'm terrified on the inside, but I'm fine.


"Wow," I let the words slip once we pass through the entrance.

The neon colors of the nightclub gently slip through the crack of the dark curtains that hide the party that awaits inside. We walk slowly through a narrow, black hallway with people standing and chatting against the wall, getting away from the roaring noise of the partygoers. An electric vibration of the music rumbles underneath my feet before I even catch sight of the dance floor.

A group of girls, in short, thigh-length dresses bypass us through the entrance of the narrow walkway, giggling to themselves and checking out the other guys in their path.

Two of the girls glimpse at Jimin, but he ignores them and keeps his eyes on me instead. He leads me further into the room to get a better look. Once pushing past the heavy curtains, the bright lights of colors burst throughout the large room, making my vision colorful like a never-ending rainbow. The room is foggy from the smoke machines that are around the DJ on the stage in the center of the room.

Quickly, people surround us all around, clinging to each other while having a good time. Some people laugh next to the side of the room, others do shots at the bar, and the rest of the club grind on each other on the dance floor.

"Nice right?" Jimin calls loudly over the blaring music.

"Sure," I call back just as loud with my hands over my ears.

"Come on," he pushes me into the lively club, pulling me straight to the dance floor.

He gets right in the middle of the floor and starts twirling me.

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