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When I wake up, I stretch out in bed, enjoying the comfortable feeling around me.

"Good morning," a quiet husky voice comes right next to my ear.

I turn back, glancing up at the boy next to me. He smiles softly when his eyes trace down my body.

"Morning," I reply, noticing how the sun shines into the room brightly.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks, turning around to prop himself up on his elbows.

"I did," I admit, yawning a small tad afterward.

"It seems like you're still a little tired. I can take care of that." He moves and slides off the mattress, walking to the end of his bed to place one of his knees on the comforter before beginning to crawl upward.

"Jimin?" I call out his name with a soft laugh, wondering what's gotten into him.

He snickers, coming up to my legs and spreading them apart slowly. He leans forward over my body until his hands are on both sides of my head. Lowering his head, he bends down to whisper in my ear.

"I dreamt about you last night," he speaks slowly and seductively. "Do you want to know what happened?"

I nod my head seriously, realizing he's back in his playful role, which makes him chuckle.

"I'll show you," he pulls away from my ear, sliding himself down my body before resting on his heels.

His fingers glide up my exposed legs; his warm skin touches my own. He feels me shiver from his light touches, and he's speaking again.

"Don't worry, just relax," his fingers slide higher up, bypassing the top of my thighs before tugging at the edge of my black shorts.

With one quick move, he's pulling down my shorts, throwing them somewhere behind him in the room. He takes in my panties, surprising me when I see his tongue pop out to lick over his pink lips.

Feeling self-conscious, I turn away, looking to the side as he takes off my underwear.

Once he's pulled them off, he doesn't say a word, but I can feel his eyes on me.

"I didn't get a chance to see you up close in the shower," he runs his hands along my inner thighs, resting them there as he spreads my legs wider. "but I can't deny that you look... so delicious down here." He blows cool air over me, which makes me tremble from the directness.

"So tasty," he adds, mumbling the last part and placing gentle kisses along the skin of my inner thighs.

I gently look down at him, watching him place delicate kisses and taking in how his eyes are closed, enjoying what he's doing.

When I watch for too long, his eyes open. He stares at me intensely while still kissing my skin so tenderly.

He keeps his eyes on mine, bringing his lips higher to kiss everywhere but where I want him to. He ignores that one special place. He takes his time, ripping away his gaze from mine before staring down closely.

As hard as I try not to beg him, I eventually give in. His lips on my skin are driving me crazy.

"Jimin, please," those two words are all I say, hoping that he'll understand.

"Please what?" He places a long kiss on my thigh before moving his head to place another on an untouched spot.

"Touch me-"

"Where?" He leans up, crawling over my body before he's inches away from my lips. His eyes are locked on mine once again. "Where do you want me to touch you, baby?"

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