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It suddenly hits me when we're going up in the elevator that Hoseok might own the shop.

"Wait, Cailey does your brother own this store?" I ask, glancing outside of the glass elevator as we go higher up.

Hoseok laughs to her side. "I own the building." He laughs playfully.

"Yes, he does. That's how we get half-off on our dresses. Speaking of which, what color dress are you guys thinking of getting?" Cailey asks happily.

The elevator stops. The doors open widely as we follow Hoseok out onto the fifth floor.

"Hmm, I want to find a bright dress," Mi Young taps her chin with her index finger as she thinks.

"I'm getting a dark color. What about you?" Cailey turns to me with a soft smile.

I think for a moment, going through dozens of colors as my mind tries to determine which would look best.

"I don't know. I guess just whatever looks good on me," I admit.

We walk further onto the floor and look around. I quickly realize that we're the only people on this floor level. A few dresses stick out on racks without any prices on them.

"This is our new collection. All of these dresses haven't been available to the public eyes yet, so I want the three of you to choose a dress and wear it at the party tomorrow. Paparazzi might be there so make sure to show it off if they are," Hoseok has a kind smile on his features.

He stands tall and proud, glancing around the room at the dresses he's helped create along the way.

"I'll be in my office. Once you've all picked out a dress, call me, and I'll come ring you up at the register; I have to see my baby sister off anyways." Hoseok pats Cailey on the head and turns on his heels, walking back to the elevator.

It's not long before he's headed higher up in the building. I assume to his office.

"Alright girls. It's time to find a dress!" Cailey says with excitement and walks around the room, touching dress after dress.

Mi Young follows after her, looking at the dresses that pop out the most with the extravagant color.

I, on the other hand, don't see any particular one to stick out to me just yet. I follow behind the two girls with my eyes glancing over any colors that might seem to attract my attention but sadly, none do.

"Oh, I found one!" Cailey yanks a dress off the metal rack and spins it around against her body. "It's beautiful!" Cailey says happily, holding the dress up in the air to inspect it further.

The dress is navy blue with tiny diamonds that span all over the fabric, looking as if the gems have been poured from a cup and sparkled over the tulle of the dark cloth. It's a knee-length gown that has tiny straps for the shoulders.

"Wow, that's pretty," Mi Young gasps, walking closer to check out the dress herself.

Cailey smiles. "Thanks," she responds kindly.

As they talk, I walk around and look for a dress of my own.

Seconds turn to minutes and soon Mi Young has found her pick.

"Cailey, is this one okay?" Mi Young says shyly, walking out of the dressing room, wondering if she can pick out the dress or not.

Cailey and I both turn around to see what Mi Young has chosen.

Mi Young looks down at the dress on her body as we take it in ourselves.

It's a bright, orange dress that's a little longer than Cailey's. Instead of diamonds, it's a thin, white ribbon that wraps around the waist. The shoulder pieces hang off of her arms. The bottom part of the dress is see-through with a silk orange fabric that goes behind the lighter layer. Truthfully, it's innocent-looking, but it suits her character, even if she isn't as innocent as she looks.

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