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"No," Mi Young pauses, holding her hands together over her chest and avoiding my gaze as she stares down at the floor. "He has no clue," she answers my question with a guilty expression.

"How long?" I ask, glancing at the two positive lines on the pregnancy test.

"A few days, I've only known for a few days." I hear her gulp from behind me. "That's why you found Rina and me fighting the other day. I was trying to get her to leave me alone. I didn't want the baby to get hurt." She explains.

"Does your family-"

"No one knows except for you." She cuts me off with a worried look.

"How are you going to tell Jungkook?" I ask, waiting patiently for her answer.

"... I can't tell him yet because... I'm pretty sure Kookie..." she stops talking, beginning to cry. "I can't tell Jungkook because he's not the father..." her voice cracks at the end of her sentence.

I drop the pregnancy test. "W-What?" I'm in shock from hearing her.

"When Jungkook and I got into that fight at Cailey's party, I was upset and felt betrayed that he was going to leave me just like my mother when she died." Mi Young starts sniffling. "When we fought, I got upset and ran away from him. I-I ran into someone... and... we slept together..." she starts crying harder.

"What about protection?" I ask, thinking that this child could still be Jungkook's.

She shakes her head, eyes on the floor of the room.

"We didn't use any. Jungkook always made sure to use condoms, even when I ran out of birth control. The guy at the party finished inside." Her words hurt me because deep down I can only imagine the pain Jungkook will feel when he finds out.

"You cheated on my brother. You stayed by his side, acting like everything was perfectly fine because he didn't know about it! You came into our house that we opened up to you and cuddled up to him on our couch, knowing in the back of your head that you cheated on him!" I can't control my emotions.

"Do you even know what our family has been through? What my brother goes through every day! He blames himself for Junsu's disappearance and now Jun's too!" The words keep tumbling out of my mouth.

'Jungkook is going to be heartbroken... no, he's not just going to be heartbroken... he's going to be devastated.'

"I was planning to tell him today about the baby and what happened at the party, but your nephew went missing... I didn't want to turn this about me when a child's been kidnapped." She explains sadly.

"I would've told him earlier but then he-"

"Would've left you," I finish her sentence, bluntly stating what's so true.

"You know Jungkook loves you to death. Why would you hurt him like this when he would do anything for you?"

"... I guess I just always thought that our love would always be young love? You know, teenagers falling for teenagers... I just never thought I would end up with him..." her words immediately piss me off more.

'What is she saying? That he isn't good enough for her? Well, she's wrong; he's the one who deserves better because he's not the one who cheated!'

Before my emotions spill out of control, I quickly decide that I need to leave. After all, Jun is the one that's important right now, not Mi Young and the actions she did.

"Mi Young, I think I should go," I take the pills that Mr. Kim asked for and bypass her through the bathroom door, but she grabs my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

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