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Walking out into the backyard with Mom, I take in the scene before me.

Jungkook is playing with Jun, and Sun Hee is lightly swinging on the swing, watching the two have fun.

"He seems to have gained back some of his energy." Sun Hee gestures to Jungkook when he runs through the yard.

"Ahh, he just loves children. He can't stand to see them heartbroken. He's always been determined regardless if he's exhausted or not. No matter what the activity, he'll push until he can't anymore. He's got a bad habit of not resting when he should. It's just like him not sleeping well lately." Mom explains, coming over to sit down beside Sun Hee.

"Y/N, come sit with us," Mom pats the spot beside her.

I walk over and sit down beside Mom, turning my gaze to the boys that play together in the yard.

Mom and Sun Hee talk softly to each other, discussing the past that's just now distant memories.

All of a sudden, one of the puppies gets through the wooden fence into our yard, making Jun scream out with excitement.

"A puppy!" Jun dashes forward to the pup.

The dog dodges him and sprints straight to Jungkook, causing Jun to pout.

"Hey, boy," Jungkook picks up the puppy, looking at the fence the dog just came through.

"How did you get in, hmm?" Jungkook laughs, walking over to Jun and bending down to let him see the puppy.

"H-He doesn't like m-me," Jun says sadly, about to cry.

"Nah, he likes you. He's just a little scared when seeing new people." Jungkook takes Jun's hand and places it on the dog.

"You can pet him now, he'll let you. He's calmed down some." Jungkook smiles, showing Jun how to pet him.

"See? He has his eyes closed now." Jungkook, despite his tired features, looks at peace right now, more than he did last night.

"Mom! Look!" Jun turns around and calls for Sun Hee.

"Oh, wow," Sun Hee gets up from the swing, realizing just now that a dog is in the backyard. She walks over to the boys.

"He doesn't have a collar," Sun Hee points out.

"He's got no family as of right now. Our dog and the neighbor's had puppies, so we are trying to give them away to anyone that might want one. I don't know how many are left because I heard Jimin telling some people at school about them." Jungkook explains, standing up and letting Jun hold onto the dog himself.

"Is he for free?" Sun Hee asks.

"Yeah, no charge," Jungkook keeps his eyes on Jun who is loving cutely on the pup.

"Jun, would you like to keep him?" Sun Hee asks him, and he's already smiling brightly.

"Really, Mom?" Jun jumps up excitedly while still holding onto the dog.

"Yes, I'm positive. We need to hurry and get you to the doctor for your checkup, then after you get done with school, we'll come back and pick him up. How does that sound?" Sun Hee says sweetly, making Jun smile widely.

"Okay, let's hurry because we have to go and come back!" Jun puts the puppy down and runs into the house, leaving everyone behind in the backyard.

"I'll go get him. I have to give him a little present anyway." Jungkook jogs into the house after him.

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