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Once I opened my mouth, I couldn't stop the words from coming out. I explained the main parts, focusing mostly on the portion of Hoseok's necklace and the picture I saw on his desk, but Jungkook quickly told me not to change the topic. He told me to tell him everything that happened down to the tiniest detail.

Afterward, Jungkook remained silent, not even his breaths could be heard. He gently stands from the other bed, making a slight noise from the bedsprings when his weight leaves the mattress.

"Stay here," that's what he says before slowly walking to the door and yanking it open.

I hear him start running through the hallway. His footsteps echo through the narrow hall. I blink back confused for a moment, going over everything I told him before it finally hits me where he's going.

'He's headed there!'

Immediately, I try to stand from the bed but fall back down because my legs are still asleep from not moving for the past few hours.

I look at my wobbly legs and try to stand again, not paying any attention to the person that just walked into the room.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I dart my head up to see where the voice is coming from but begin to stagger. I start falling to the floor. I try grabbing onto anything, so I won't go down, but luckily, the boy is to my side.

A strong grip wraps around my waist as I see Taehyung holding onto me, so I can't lose my balance again.

"Thank you," I quickly say. "I have to go somewhere. Do you have a ride?" I say right after, making his eyes widen a little from the unexpected question.


"Almost there! Take a right on this street!" I yell as I hold onto his shoulders tightly, knowing that the store is just a few feet away.

Luckily, my legs started to gain back the feeling right before we left the school. I was able to stand on the back of his bike.

I look down and see Taehyung panting a little as his knees go up and down from pedaling so hard down the road. When we begin to take a right turn, a car comes flying up the drive, almost hitting us both.

Taehyung quickly darts out of the way, while I squint my eyes closed, afraid of what might happen.

Suddenly, we're riding on the sidewalk and nearing the store now that it's in view. We both breathe relief from not getting hit.

"That's it!" I point out. He quickly slams on his brakes, and we skid across the sidewalk pavement.

I get off the bike and start to see a few people run out of the store, so I run forward and see what's happening.

When I make it to the entrance, I hear women scream and nearly trample over me to get out of the store when I'm walking inside.

Scanning the room in front of me, I finally pinpoint why everyone was dashing out of the shop.

Jungkook is holding Hoseok by the collar of his shirt in the middle of the room, gritting his teeth as he stares harshly at the older man.

"What's wrong, Mr. Jeon?" Hoseok smirks hatefully.

"Don't you fucking act like you don't know. You tried to touch her!" Jungkook yells at him, gripping his fist tighter around his collar.

"Oh, that-" Hoseok suddenly sees me standing at the entranceway.

Jungkook follows his gaze toward me, while Hoseok lets out a dark chuckle, turning back to look at Jungkook.

"You should've seen when she pushed me-all that adrenaline she had from being scared. It only turned me on more-"

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