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After we pick up our dinner, we head straight home to look for Max.

We've had Max for a few years. He's five and a beautiful, golden retriever. We bought him on the last vacation we got to go on with Junsu.

I remember that vacation as if it was yesterday, even Jimin and his family came along too.

We found Max when we were settling into our hotel. Jimin already had a young dog back at home, Sandy, and it was so strange because Max and Sandy were the same breed. Jimin and I were so excited to get back home, so our dogs could meet and become friends.

Looking back to this day, I still can't believe I found Max in Daegu. I smile as I recall the memory.

Jungkook and I pass through the front door and take off our shoes before going further into our home.

The kitchen sits on the left side of the house, and the living room is on the right. Straight ahead from the doorway is the upstairs where our bedrooms are, and our parents' room is downstairs.

I walk to the kitchen and groan as I place down the warm bag of food.

"Max?" I call out his name just in case he came back through the doggy door.

"Let's check in the backyard. He's been going missing like this for about a month now that I think about it, and he always comes back, so I'm sure he's fine." Jungkook drops his school bag on the kitchen counter and leads us both toward the back door of the house where our small sunroom is built.

After we walk into the sunroom, I look out through the large windows to see if I can spot Max in the yard, but sadly, I don't see anything.

Jungkook opens the door to the backyard and steps outside onto the patio.

"Max! Come here, boy!" Jungkook places his fingers into his mouth and whistles loudly.

I walk behind him and start calling for him too. "Max! Maxie!" I clap my hands together, hoping he'll come. I look around our backyard. It's fenced up nicely with tall wooden planks that are in the ground. There's no way Max could have gotten out.

As I look around closely, I see it clear as day. The fence piece that I use to sneak over to Jimin's is wide open. The wooden, fence slab pushed to the side, just enough room for a dog to pass through.

I sigh once noticing the small detail. "Jungkook, I think I know where Max went." I walk around the side of the house to see Jungkook's head deep in a green bush.

"You do?" He steps out of the bush with small green leaves stuck in his black hair.

"Stay still," I laugh, coming closer to take out the tiny leaves from his hair.

"Thanks, so where's Max?" He looks around the yard.

"I think he went into Jimin's backyard," I admit.

"Ah, Max... but he may not even be over there." Jungkook groans, not wanting to pass through the space between the fence.

"Come on, Kook. It never hurts to look." I push him forward to the gap in our fence and make him go through first.

Once Jungkook crosses into Jimin's yard, he takes one glance and speaks to me.

"Looks like he's not here. Time to turn back, sis-" Jungkook spins around, trying to go back through the fence, while I'm currently passing through.

"Nice try, bro. I know you just want to eat your food. If you don't help me find Max, I'll throw it out. He's just as much my dog as he is yours." I remind him, remembering how he was the one begging our parents to let us keep him in the first place.

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