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My breath gets caught in my throat as I see all the videos. It has to be at least two-hundred on his page.

I bite into the apple in my hand and scroll down his account page.

Some of his videos are solo and others he has a partner... or partners... I glance at a few orgy videos that he's in, nearly choking on the apple.

After I regain my composure and stop coughing, I click on a video. I put one of my earbuds in and wait as the solo video loads. The video is the newest one on his account page.

When it starts playing, I immediately take in the background of his bedroom. I can easily tell he's sitting down in his desk chair, and the camera is recording him from on his desk.

The screen shows his plump lips down to his knees. The rest of his face isn't shown. He wears red boxers and that's it. His full body is nearly exposed to the viewers.

I glance at the view amounts and gulp when I see it's almost at four-hundred thousand views.

'Jimin has a fan base.' I think to myself, glancing at all his subscribers that show to the side of the video.

I suddenly start paying attention to the video when his lips start moving.

First, he smiles innocently at the camera; I know right away there's no mistaking that those lips belong to Jimin.

"Good evening, my lovelies," Jimin licks his bottom lip.

"I'm sure all of you have been waiting to see me again..." He brings his hand to his boxers to cup himself, teasing the audience.

"I've been waiting for all of you too." He smirks, softy grabbing himself through the fabric of his underwear, and starts to massage himself.

Instantly, my eyes betray me when they suddenly try to avoid the screen just because it's Jimin. I remind myself that he gave me permission to look at his videos and that seems to settle some of my unease but not all of it. I find myself pulling the computer closer to my face, so I can see the view better after realizing that there's nothing to it.

"Pay close attention to me, lovelies. I want you all to see how hard you make me." He whispers so huskily into the camera, making me lean closer, even though I'm fighting to hold in my laughter from his confidence.

When his hand goes down his underwear and takes hold of himself, he bites his lip when he starts pumping himself.

Whatever laughter I thought I had completely faded away when I start watching him, taking in the detail of every small hint of him. How his lips are parted open a tad from pleasure, the veins are sticking out on his arm, and how I can see his stomach twitch.

He scoots himself closer to the rude of his seat, sliding his thumbs down his boxers. He starts pulling down the waistband of his underwear, and I swear nothing could make me look at the moment.

Right before he pulls down his boxers, Jungkook bursts through my bedroom with a loud voice, making me slam my laptop shut and throwing it to the side of the room. Maybe Jungkook could make me look away.

"What!" I scream.

"... uh, it's time for school?" Jungkook blinks strangely. His statement seems more like a question.

'So he didn't see the video.' I relax and hop up from my bed, trying to act normal.

"I was just letting you know it's time to get ready, so we can leave in a few. Mi Young already snuck back home." Jungkook explains, resting his head against my bedroom door and glancing at where I threw my laptop with an unreadable expression.

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