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The weekend went by quickly. Jungkook was almost fully recovered from his accident, and we both got caught up with our makeup work after Mi Young and Jimin left later on that day.

Before I knew it, it was Sunday, and Dr. Park sent us a letter in the mail.

Dr. Park was kind enough to pay for Jungkook's medical bills. He turned a blind eye and only called our parents and told them the smallest details.

I was nervous at first when Dad called and asked what happened, but he seemed calm about it instead of lashing out like I thought he would. When he asked me why neither of us called and told him, I just came up with an excuse to say that we didn't want him or Mom to worry, which is wrong. Jungkook didn't want me to call them as much as I didn't because we know how our father can get with his anger issues.

After I talked to Dad, he reminded me that they would be back on Monday, which would be tomorrow.

I hung up the phone and dived into bed after that call. It took everything out of me. I know when they get back that everything will go back to the same for a little while.

The rest of the day, I laid in bed and watched movies on my laptop. Every once in a while, I would go and check up on Jungkook.

Most of the weekend he was on the couch watching tv, which I let him since he built back some of his strength.

By the time everything got back to normal, it was time for school again, not for Jungkook of course. He didn't have to go back until Tuesday.

I went ahead and packed away my books for the long day ahead of me tomorrow. I got in bed afterward and shut my eyes for the night.


The alarm clock goes off, signaling it's time for school.

I tiredly climb out of bed. I already took a shower right before bed last night, so I just quickly freshen up.

After putting on my uniform and doing my hair, I go to Jungkook's room and softly knock on the door.

To my surprise, he's already awake, reading a book, which takes me off guard.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?" I snort, walking inside his room casually.

He instantly shuts the book and hides it under his pillow with his eyes wide.

"Uh, so are you leaving already?" He changes the topic very quickly.

I look at him confused for a second, but I shake it off and pay no mind to what he's hiding.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I know you usually only lock your bedroom door whenever you want to be alone. It wasn't locked, so I just decided to come in. Anyway, yeah, I'm about to leave." I turn around and start walking away, but he calls me back in.

"Y/N, come back," he motions with his hand for me to walk back inside.

"It's my fault for not locking the door. Dad never let us have locks, so when I finally installed one, I've been forgetting about it from time to time. I'll accidentally end up shutting it like before, ignoring that I have a lock on it." He quickly explains, patting the bed for me to come sit beside him.

I walk back inside and sit down next to him. He sits up and reaches behind the pillow, pulling out the book he was reading.

"This... is my songbook. I write down every melody, lyric, and sound. Whenever it comes to me, I scribble it down inside here. I've had this ever since Junsu died." He pauses, taking a moment to compose himself before speaking any further. "I've been working on a song for Mi Young and hiding it from her for months. I'm sorry for being a little jumpy. It's hard to hide anything from her:" He laughs again, and I look sadly at him.

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