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"How many times do I have to tell you that our child is a boy?! And don't ever question me on this but from now on, you will call him Marrion, not Cheryl!"

Cheryl was passing through the hallway of their marble wall and glass window-surrounded house, on the second floor, when she heard her father yelling; it was definitely about her. She was only 10 years old at that time and she knew while she was growing up that she was different. According to her mom, Claudine, the doctors remarked that she was a girl, female. Little did they know that a few years after she was born, something in between her legs began to develop with time as well. There, they found out that Cheryl has a medical condition called hermaphroditism or intersex in the latter term.

His father, Melvin Joe, was furious about the matter. He couldn't accept his child with that abnormal condition. He'd gone wilder after knowing that Claudine couldn't bear another child due to her pregnancy issue with her first born. The affection that Cheryl badly desired was given to her, but people's definition of that word was far from what Melvin believed.

"I said, harder! You can do better than that! Don't be so fucking lame!" Melvin yelled.

Cheryl looked at her bleeding knuckles, covered with a boxing bandage. "Dad, I-I can't," she whimpered, shaking her hands in the air.

It was painful. Instead of letting her rest, her back covered with thin cloth from her tank top received two hard slaps from his thick, leather belt. She hissed, feeling the burning sensation on her skin that made her knees tremble in seconds.

"Stand up!" he yelled at her face.

Cheryl, with her deep breathing pace, stood up and balanced herself. She looked so weak, letting the dews of sweat flow out of her pores, tracing her pale skin.

"You will do as I say!" he shouted, walking around the poor 11-year-old kid. "When I said harder, do it harder! It's not even that difficult!"

She had no choice but to follow him to prevent her back from getting the same firm hit from her father's branded belt. She grew up with bruises all over her body and even on her face. A lot more things happened when Melvin hired a professional taekwondo player to train her with the things she needed to learn. All the hits and kicks she got marked every sensitive part of her body. Ice packs had been her friends for a long time and whenever she'd be better at doing things her father wanted, it would just get harder.

She graduated black belt in the taekwondo program her father enrolled her by the age of 14 under the name of Marrion Blossom. She felt inauthentic about herself, but going against her father's commands would make the situation harder than it already was for her. She had knocked a lot of players but the thing that terrified her the most was when she almost killed her opponent. She kicked him with full force in the jaw that caused him to drop his body unconscious on the floor. She tried to help her opponent but her father yanked her away from the crowd.

All he ever said was, "You did a good job, but you can do better."

That was the first time he complimented her; when she almost took someone's life? From then on, he trained her like a soldier, a warrior.

Within her young adolescence phase, another conflict was developed; Cheryl's female hormones began showing through the enlargement of her breasts. Melvin's rage about it didn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted her to accomplish. At 16, she was introduced to using guns and to hitting a perfect target. Every miss of the center of the eye equates to a set of workout punishments. Because she was eager to get her father's approval, she did her best in learning every small detail of action. It took a lot of practice before confidently facing her father to show off her newly learned skills.

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