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Looking down on the short and tanned girl who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Cheryl caught herself smiling. She doesn't admit it to herself, but she couldn't help her face flash a genuine look that no one could be the other reason for. Just her.

She sat beside where Toni was facing, caressed her head, and wiped her hair on her face to the side before holding her chin that startled her to wake up.

"Gosh, I got scared," Toni rasped, squinting while holding Cheryl's hand. "Why are you here and what time is it?"

"Well," Cheryl held her hand back, "I walked in last night and found you sleeping, so I didn't bother to wake you up anymore. Right now, it's 4 am and I came here to check on you."

Toni feebly smiled. "I'm okay...just a little uncomfortable with my swollen leg, but all good."

"Want me to call Abby? She can h-"

"Fuck, no thanks. I don't like her." Toni rolled her eyes, stirring to the left.

"Tss. She's a nice person," Cheryl defended.

"So? I'm not asking anything about her?" Toni rebutted and Cheryl sneered. "Are you staying?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah," Toni whispered, moving to the side to give her space. When Cheryl got comfortable, she moved her cheek on her chest and resembled the same cuddling position they had in the village. "This feels more comfortable than sleeping here alone."


Toni hummed. "Too bad to get used to something like this 'cause I'll be craving it for months."

"Crave as much as you want. I'm a few doors away."

Toni smiled, blushing with her eyes closed.

5 am

Toni woke up cuddled into Cheryl whose right arm was slithered around her torso, making her lips display an upright curve. She pecked her lips twice and stared at her for a minute before getting off the bed to do her routine.

After taking a shower, she headed downstairs to help Pam and Lori prepare breakfast for everyone.

"Hey, Toni," Jones greeted, rubbing his neck. "How are you?"

"Good morning, Jones," she replied. "I'm good and still alive." She chuckled.

"What happened to you guys was crazy," he said. "Like, damn. I still feel bad for Dom."

Toni exhaled, taking off her apron. "Yeah. Have they found him?"

He shook his head and looked down. "The jet landed in the ocean. It'll take days, if not, weeks to recover his body."

Toni frowned. "He saved us, Jones."

"Yeah. He's a great man."

Toni slightly nodded. "Where are the others? Lim? Arch, and V?"

"The two are still in Morocco. They'll arrive tomorrow and Sawyer...that boy will be here later today."

"Does it mean...Lim will be back to Nigeria?" Toni asked sadly.

Jones shrugged, going to the cupboard to the left side of the sink. "I don't know. Depends on CM."

"I want him to stay, so I'll try to convince her."

"I doubt it's because he's needed in Nigeria," he shared. "By the way, you guys seem closer than usual. Anything I missed?" He teased, turning around with a cup of tea.

Toni rolled her eyes, grinning. "Nope, we're not."

"Yes, you were. You have to narrate that when the two come back."

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