
937 41 30

January 12, 2026

"Hey," Toni greeted Veronica who's standing by the fountain, staring at the flowers in the garden.

Veronica wiped her tears before turning her face to her right. "Hi," she mumbled and forced a smile.

"Why are you crying?" Toni asked, placing her left hand on her back. "Still about Ace?"

Veronica gulped and looked down. "Just...I feel bad for my s-sister."

Toni nodded, weakly smiling. "I'm sorry that this has to happen to her."

Veronica dropped her tears and didn't reply thus, reached for a hug. "Thanks for being here with me," she whispered with her fake and glaring eyes.

"Of course. That's what friends are for," Toni replied, hugging her tighter.

A few seconds later, Veronica pulled away, wiping her tears and displaying her masked smile.

"Don't cry now," Toni said, wiping her hair to the side.

"By the way, Toni…"


Veronica breathed once, tensed. "You know how much I like CM, right?"

Toni gained a stiff look for a second. "Uh...yeah, you told me before...why?"

"I just want to ask for your help? Like, how am I going to get her? Since, you guys are always together for business and maybe you can help me."

Toni chuckled, nervous. "Uhm, what exactly do you need?" She asked, hesitant.

"I need her to fall in love with me," the girl replied, making Toni's eyebrows raise. "And I think you know what she wants for a girl? I'm hoping you could help me 'cause I'm pretty sure you don't like her and you're the only person who can help me. Am I asking too much?"

Toni faked a smile. "I uh- think...I can help you. Yeah, I'll try my best, but we'll see how things play out later."

Veronica squealed as she went for a hug.. "Thank you, you're the best," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Toni," Jones called from behind.

"Yes?" Toni replied, pulling away and looking over to her left shoulder.

"We need to discuss something with CM, come on."

Toni nodded before turning to look back at Veronica. "I need to go now."

"Yeah, good luck." She smiled and dropped it as soon as Toni turned around. 


"What's happening?" Toni asked, lively. "Am I in trouble?" She added, closing the door of the meeting room.

Cheryl, from the aisle seat, sent a warning with her eyes while Toni sat by Limuel's left.

"Okay, I'll do the talking," Archie, while sitting down to Cheryl's left across Jones, insisted. "So...CM will be having a meeting in El Quero, it's a private island located in Oréas and the point is…"

"What?" Toni asked impatiently.

"Jones is going to deal with Mr. Meleor during that day, Lim is coming with me to the manufacturing branch in Morocco tomorrow, and Sawyer will be back in 3 days, so it means," they all looked at Toni who raised her eyebrows, "you'll be coming with her for that 3-day stay in Oréas."

Toni opened her mouth and was supposed to say something when Cheryl interrupted.

"We don't need your permission 'cause this is a briefing. We're just informing you in case you value yourself too much," she said coldly, crossing her arms.

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