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"Lester," Toni called, shaking her cousin's shoulder. "Lester, wake up. Come on."

The boy then stirred to his right and opened his eyes, trying to identify the person seated on his bed.

"Lester, it's me. It's Toni." She smiled, holding her tears back.

"Toni?" he recalled and once recognized, he sat up and reached for a hug. "Where have you been? We were worried." 

"I'm sorry," she whispered, caressing the younger boy's back and head. "Look," she pulled away, wiping his tears, "I'm so sorry I was gone for like 2 days, but you won't understand if I'll explain it to you right now."

"Why? I just don't understand, why would you leave us like that?" he asserted weakly.

"I didn't. Someone took me and... I have to work for her from now on."

"Like kidnapped you? Then why are you here? I mean-- how did you escape?"

She exhaled. "It's a long story, Les. For now, be strong for your sister while I find a way to visit you guys regularly." She finger-combed his curly hair from his forehead to the side. "I hope you understand that I'll be missing in action for... I don't know how long."

"So, you're leaving again?" he asked with his voice cracking a little. "Like, right now?"

She nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll try to figure things out and I promise, I'll visit. I can't risk your lives because I love you. Megan too."

"I love you too, but can't you stay? Please?" he pleaded. "We need you here."

Toni shook her head. "I'm sorry." She sighed. "Uh... let me put it this way. Let say, my father has enemies before and now, I have to make it up to them, so they won't hurt you."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would they hurt me? Megan? Or even you? If uncle did anything, then why are you going to pay them back? You were excluded, right?"

She weakly smiled. "That's how life works. We can't go against people that's a lot more compelling than us."

He looked down.

"Are you mad? I promise, I'll try to do my best, so I can see you everyday."

"But it's not gonna be the same, Toni. We'll miss you."

She frowned, exhaling. "I uh--" She stopped talking when she heard the front door open. From upstairs, she could hear the creaking of the wood. "Shh, keep quiet."

"Toni, that must be--"

"Shhh." She silenced him by placing an index finger on his lips. She stood up from the bed and silently grabbed a pair of scissors from Lester's study table. "Don't follow me, okay? Stay here."

She opened the door and slowly walked downstairs. She reached the kitchen and saw a brunette--flowy hair until her lower back--wearing a dotted shirt and wide pants. The woman was busy setting a pan on the stove when she arrived. She slowly walked behind and pointed the scissors at her.

"Who are you?" she asked, terrified, but didn't register it on her face. "Turn around."

The lady was schocked upon seeing the scissors pointed at her. "Hey, put that down," she said blandly. 

Toni didn't listen. "I said, who are you?"

"I am working here to take care of the kids since you went missing," she replied, placing down a bowl on the counter. "Toni, right?"

Toni scowled. "And who would even do that? Are you messing with me 'cause if you are--"

"Lydia?" Lester called from behind, so Toni looked at him confused. "Hey, good morning. You're early."

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