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"Thank you for letting me talk to you again," Lucas began, seated across Toni by the pool table set.

"Hmm. I hope you understand why." Toni looked down.

"Of course." He sighed. "Uhm... I'm really sorry for being an asshole that night. I lost control and I didn't know what happened to me either."

"That's why you shouldn't drink. Liquor is not for you," replied the sincere girl.

"Yeah. I was just... peer pressured? Co-workers wanted me to join them, so," he reasoned and Toni nodded. "Are you still mad at me? I'm really sorry."

"It's okay," she mumbled.

He weakly smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

Toni's phone received a couple of messages. It displayed an unknown number, but clearly, it was from Cheryl.


I've been wanting to message u

earlier but I thought u must still be

sleeping so

just wanna know how you're doing?

I hope you didn't get colds

or something

"You can reply to that," Lucas said and Toni looked at him, uneasy. "It must be important."

"Uh..." Toni turned the phone off. "... You still have to go to work, right?"

"Yeah. I just needed to see you today. I missed you," he shyly said.

"Well then, have a good day at work." Toni thinned her lips. She felt so awkward.

Toni led him to the gate and when they arrived, Lucas gave her a forehead kiss.

"Good luck with your reviews," he said before getting in his car.

11:15 am

After Toni took some pages to review for her upcoming exam next week, she had herself busy preparing dishes for lunch. She was excited for that day. Any reason?

She was shifting every piece of the garlic chicken from the pan to the plate when someone spoke from behind.

"Guess who's back?"

Toni had a wide smile even before she looked at the person.

"Oh, my God! I miss you!" she beamed, walking to Megan with open arms.

Megan swayed their bodies sideways. "I missed you, too. Ugh, so badly."

Toni kissed her cousin's left cheek and asked, "Where's Lester?"

"He's with Tabs. They're moving the luggage in," she replied with a grin. "Finally, some good vacation."

"Well..." Toni wiggled her eyebrows. "... I cooked your favorites, so buckle up. Come on."

Megan winked as she clicked her tongue once. Then, Lester walked in strolling with two luggage.

"Hey, Toni!" His smile set the mood lighter.

"Damn. You've gone taller!" Toni rolled her eyes, walking to him.

"I missed you," she added through the hug.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Lester laughed.

"I can smell delicious perfume from the kitchen, hmm?" Tabitha voiced out as she closed the door.

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