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Cheryl then wept. "It's about Uncle Timothy, Tabs. He's... He was found... dead in his office in Scotland. I just heard about it today. 2 am."

Tabitha took a minute to reply because of shock. "Wait... What the. How? What happened?"

Cheryl rubbed her eyes to remove their mist. "He had... a slit on his neck... That was what Archie told me." She tightly closed her right fist. "I wanna know who did this to him."

"CM." Tabitha held her arm. "Please don't do anything that could hurt you and Toni. The baby's coming, too. I'm so sorry that you have to endure this, but... you have to be here and brave for Toni."

"I know." Cheryl nodded. "It's just... a lot. And I'm too worried for Toni as well. I feel like throwing up and hopefully I don't pass out."

Back in the private room...

Toni was struggling with the labor process. Apart from the back pain and natural soreness of her body, her contractions were strong enough to cause her to weep, and the desire her chest had to deliver the baby was the only motivation she could think of. She followed the doctor's instructions; walked around with small steps, and gave her belly a little push against a pillow. She was grateful for Cheryl who gave her non stop assurance every time she'd feel like breaking down. Their joined hands gave her more strength even though it was mixed with fear.

"What's wrong with you?" Lying in bed, Toni asked softly. She saw how off Cheryl was. She could sense it.

"Huh?" Cheryl's face was fraught, likely, more unnoticeable. "What do you mean?"

Toni grunted and caressed her belly. "Shit."

"Hey, is it painful?" Cheryl stood up. "Should I call the doctor?"

"Ow!" Toni cried out. "Yes, please. This hurts! Ah!"

"Uh, okay, okay, calm down." Cheryl soughed. "Lester! Call the doctor, now!"

"Okay, hold on." Lester rushed out.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine, right?" Cheryl held Toni's hand. "You can do it."

Toni's face was in agony. She may be a little quiet with the pain, but inside, she was burning. "This really hurts. Hss. Are they here now? I feel like bursting out. I wanna pee, too."

"They're coming."

It was taking a while, so Toni lost control. Her water broke and it leaked through the sheets.

"Holy fuck," Cheryl sternly cursed. "Shit. Doc!"

"Oww!" Toni continued to cry the pain. She gripped Cheryl's hands and added, "Please don't leave, I need you here."

Sweating, Cheryl nodded. "Of course. I'm here."

The doctor came in hustle. When she assessed Toni's body condition and concluded that the baby's ready to come out, they immediately transferred her to the delivery room. Everyone was gathered around, ready to formally welcome the baby to the light.

"Ow," Toni sobbed. "I don't think I can do this."

"Hey." Cheryl held her chin. "You can, okay? You can. I love you." She might be pretending to be brave when she said that, but the truth was, her knees were shaking and her throat wanted to free some acid. She wanted to go out of the door, but she knew Toni needed her there.

"Okay, I see her. Give me a hard push," said the doctor. "Carry on, you're doing great.

Toni breathed in before flushing in her energy. She threw her screams moderately loud as she squeezed Cheryl's hand with all of her remaining strength.

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